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< Thursday >

{ Ashton }

I have a five-and-a-half-hour flight alone with two two-year-olds ahead of me. And this is their first time ever on a plane. Tatum's got a surf tournament in Hawaii and she's already flown out. I had a few things so the kids stayed back with me until now when we are flying out.

It's early- seven-thirty in the morning to be exact- and the kids are grumpy. They were not happy to be woken up, especially Avery. Avery is a monster in the morning.

I got us through security and stopped at the Starbucks. I got both the kids vanilla bean frappuccino's- which there is no coffee in- and I got a black coffee. I also got a breakfast sandwich for myself, a chocolate croissant for Krew, and a blueberry muffin for Avery.

Once the kids were seated and eating, their grumpy moods brightened a little. I finally got the minute to breathe and scroll through my phone, Twitter grabbing my eyes,


@ashton5sos: a five hour flight with two toddlers... pray for me
^@tatumirwin: better you than me


I laughed then handed my phone to the kids who were begging for it,

"You guys excited to see Mommy?" I asked, pulling my daughter to sit on my lap,

"Mhm. Miss Mommy" she nodded and let her head lean against me,

"I miss Mommy too" I kissed her head. Krew nodded as well and rubbed his eyes,

"As soon as we get on the airplane, I promise you can go back to sleep"

When it was time to board, I got to go on first since I have kids under the age of three with me.

We patiently waited until everyone was on, and then we were off.


Krew fell asleep almost immediately but Avery was now wide awake. I got Krew comfortable laying in the seat then turned my attention to Avery,

"Daddy cwouds!" she squealed pointing out that window,

"I know. That means we're high up in the sky" I laughed. She looked back at me and smiled then pulled on her seatbelt. I check the light to see if it was on, and it wasn't, so I unbuckled her,

"Daddy do hair" she aggressively hit her head. I turned her so her back was to me and took her hair in my hands and began braiding it. It's like the only thing she lets us do. She hates regular ponytails but braided ones she doesn't mind.

I was proud of myself when I finished. I'm no Tatum when I'm doing my daughter's hair, but I'm not bad either.

When I finished her hair, I grabbed her backpack and pulled the tray down. I got her coloring book out with her crayons and got her occupied as Krew woke up,

"Me too" he pointed. I nodded and grabbed his and got him set up. Now that they were both entertained, I could relax for a minute.


We were three hours in and both my kids were crying. They were tired and done being stuck in a small space. If this flight is this bad, I can't imagine how it will be if we fly to Australia.

People were starting to look at me. I was getting frustrated and my anxiety level was rising,

"Both of you stop" I spoke sternly. They both stopped and looked at me,

"Stop crying. I know you guys want off but we still have two hours" I sighed,

"My legs" Avery dramatically groaned and threw herself over my laugh, hitting Krew which then caused a meltdown.

I finally got up, picked both of them up, and carried them to the bathroom,

"Listen, you guys have to stop. I know you're tired and I know you wanna get off the plane. But we can't keep screaming and crying like this" I huffed, "When we get to our seats, you're gonna sit there and not be loud. You have toys to play with"

They both nodded as their little lips quivered. I sighed. I hate being that parent but I had to get them to calm down.

We got back to our seats and they were both calm as could be. Hopefully, it stays that way.


As soon as the plane landed, I relaxed. I was glad we were here.

We walked off the plane, both kids holding my hands, and we headed to baggage where Tatum was waiting for us.

As soon as the kids saw Tatum, I let go of their hands and let them run. Tatum grabbed both, hugging and kissing them. She stood as I reached them, kissing me,

"How was the flight?" She questioned,

"Rough" I laughed.

I went and got all our luggage then we went out to the rental car they gave Tatum when she flew in. It was a nice new Tahoe which had carseats in it already,

"Babe, I think I wanna get rid of the Jeep and get one of these" Tatum told me as we got in, me taking the driver's seat,

"We can do that baby" I nodded and started the car up.


We got to the house and walked inside. I hadn't been back here since Tatum's grandpa died. I carried our bags back to where her room was. It's the only room in the house that's locked when it rents out. The room has a king bed for the four of us.

"Everything still looks good baby" I spoke, walking out back where Tatum and the kids were,

"Yeah" she sighed and leaned back in my hold as we watched the kids run around,

"What's up?" I turned her in my arms, my hands on her hips,

"I don't think I want to rent it out anymore. I think I just wanna keep this house for us- like for vacations and stuff. It's just this house has been in my family for a while and I don't want random people in it anymore" she explained,

I understood completely.

"That's perfectly fine. You wanna renovate again? Make it more personal?"

"I'd like that. And neither of us really have anything coming up. What if we just stay a bit longer?" she asked,

"Absolutely" I nodded, pecking her lips then turning to the kids,

"Alright tiny humans! Last one in the oceans a stinky butt"

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