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< Monday >

{ Tatum }

"Do you need anything while I'm out?" I asked Ashton as I ushered the kids out the door. He was trying to get the kitchen and living room painted before we met up with Calihan and his girlfriend, Sarah, tonight. But once lunch hit, the kids were getting in his way and dragging paint everywhere so I knew I needed to get them out of the house and out of Ashton's way. Hell, Avery stepped in the paint tray and made foot prints throughout the house. Thank god it's all hardwood floors and not carpet.

"I don't think so. I'll text you if I think of something"

I nodded, kissed him, then got the kids in the car.


We ended up at Target, as always, and started looking around. The kids stood on the edge of the cart and held on as I pushed it. I needed to get bedding for all the beds and get some shelves and things for the kids' rooms.

Ashton and I decided that if we're going to fix the house up again, we might as well get it ready for when we do move here to Hawaii. We came to the conclusion that us moving will happen.

"Do you guys wanna pick out some stuff for your rooms here?" I asked, letting the kids off the cart to walk. They both nodded and started to wander up and down the aisle.

Once each kid found a comforter and sheet set, I put them in the cart and we went to pick out bedding for mine and Ashton's room and the guest rooms.

The cart was pretty much full. It had bedroom stuff, bath towels, shower curtains, etc. We needed it all though.

Just as we were about to check out, Krew gently tugged on my shorts,


"Pwease Mommy?" Avery piped up hearing her brother. I smiled softly and turned the cart around,

"One toy each," I told them. They both cheered as we headed back to the section. I didn't mind getting them something. We didn't bring a lot for them to do here anyway. I know they were getting bored playing with the same toys. Avery grabbed a baby doll and Krew grabbed a little pack of different construction trucks.

"Alright. Let's go check out and go back. We have to get ready to go see Uncle Calihan"

Avery and Krew grinned. They love Calihan.


When I pulled into the driveway, Ashton was outside cleaning out all the paint stuff,

"Daddy wook!" Avery yelled, taking off as soon as I put her on her feet to show Ashton her new baby doll,

"Out out out!" Krew wiggled around, begging to go show Ashton his trucks,

"Hang on baby" I sighed, moving to the other side of the car to get him out.

He took off to Ashton just like Avery. I followed him, leaving the rest of the stuff in the car,

"Thanks for taking them out" Ashton stood, kissing me quickly as our littles hugged his legs,

"Of course" I smiled and turned to my babies,

"Alright, we have to get ready to go out tonight," I told them,

"But don't touch the walls when we go inside" Ashton warned and turned to me, "I'll get the stuff from the car"


We pulled up to the Aulani hotel. We were going to eat at the restaurant here with Calihan and his girlfriend Sarah,

"Mickey Mouse?" Krew questioned,

"Yeah buddy. Mickey Mouse is here" I smiled as Ashton parked,

"Minnie?" Avery asked,

"And Minnie too"

We got out and walked in, meeting up with Calihan and Sarah right away. We went into the restaurant and were seated. We ordered food and drinks then waited for it to come out,

"So, Tatum mentioned that you guys were talking about moving here" Calihan spoke, more towards Ashton. Ashton smiled and grabbed my hand under the table,

"I think we've pretty much decided it's what we're going to do. We have some stuff to settle in California but I think it's for sure we're moving here" Ashton answered, making me smile,

"Hawaii is amazing. I'm glad I was raised here. Your kids are lucky to be raised here" Calihan smiled,

"I love living here" Sarah added, "I can't wait to raise kids here in the future"

"It was a tough talk and a tough decision, but I know we're making the right one" I grinned,

"Does this mean you'll be running your grandpa's shop now?"



After dinner, we headed down to the beach for sunset. As soon as we were in the sand, the kids were tossing their shoes at us,

"Do not go in the water" I warned, but as soon as I said that, Krew got in the water,

"Are you kidding me" Ashton rolled his eyes, handing off shoes and going to retrieve our son,

"Ooo Kwew was bad" Avery sang. I nodded and Ashton came back, holding Krew,

"You didn't listen so yes, you are in trouble," Ashton told him. Krew pouted.

We moved further down the beach and settled by a group of Laua dancers. Avery was so intrigued,

"You all should sign her up for classes when you move" Sarah nudged my arm. I nodded in agreement as one of the dancers came up to Avery. They took her hand and put a lei on her and showed her the dance. Avery followed the best she could.

When the song ended, she ran over and hugged me and Ashton,

"That was awesome princess" Ashton cooed,

"Again" she beamed, bouncing around,

"We'll sign you up for a class" I promised. She squealed with excitement just as fireworks started. She and Krew settled down, eventually falling asleep.


Ashton and I got the kids into their own beds then settled into our, laying on our sides to face each other,

"You're positive this is what we want to do? Ya know, move?" he asked,

"I am" I nodded, "You?"


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