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< Thursday >

{ Tatum }

"Mommy up!" I heard as tiny hands tugged the comforter off of me. I refrained from groaning, rolling on my side, and opening my eyes to find Avery standing next to my bed. I looked her over and noticed she was pantless- no diaper, no pajama pants,

"Mommy! I pottied!" she bounced. My eyes went wide. If she didn't have a diaper on, where the hell did she potty?

"Come wook!" she jumped. I braced myself and got out of bed, slowly following my daughter down the hall. I was completely taken off guard when she took me into the bathroom,

"You pottied in the potty!?" I beamed, my smile huge. She grinned and nodded. She was so proud of herself, and she should be,

"Oh my goodness! Good job baby!" I kissed her, "I guess this means we gotta get some pull-ups"

"Tell Daddy!" she clapped,

"What if we surprise Daddy? You can tell him when we see him in a little bit"

Avery nodded then I realized I probably needed to wipe her and wash her hands,

"Before we leave to go see Daddy, we will go get some pull-ups and get you a toy" I picked her up once she had a diaper on,

"Not Kwew?"

"Krew didn't potty in the potty, so no" I answered, carrying her downstairs and setting her on the counter in the kitchen.

I worked and got my coffee brewing and fixed Avery a sippy cup of milk. I made Krew one too and sat in the fridge for when he woke up.


After making sure the car was packed and we had everything we needed, we started driving to the cabin the guys were at. Sierra and Crystal were riding up together too.

We had a long drive but I had the kids occupied. Thankfully, we have small DVD players the hang on the back of the seats in Ashton's truck. I hate driving the truck but my Jeep has been having problems and Ashton didn't want me driving it so far in case something were to happen.

Krew was content watching the movie and Avery was playing with her new princess doll. She has been so happy all day. She was so proud of herself. Earlier she had to use the bathroom and told me before running off to sit on the toilet. Ashton and I haven't even thought about potty training yet. The kids haven't shown any interest. Now our daughter is ready and showing us she's ready. Krew on the other hand still has no interest at all.

We got to the cabin and I parked the truck behind Michael's car, noticing Crystal and Sierra beat me here, but in my defense, I did have to stop for a pee break.

I grabbed the bags and helped the kids out, guiding them into the house where the smell of Febreeze and candles hit you like a bus. They were obviously trying to drown out the smell of weed.

I sat the bags by the hallways and guided Avery and Krew to the back deck where we found everyone,

"Daddy!" The twins yelled and ran to Ashton. Ashton lifted them into his lap, hugging and kissing them both,

"Avery, tell Daddy what you did!" I smiled,

"I potty in the potty!" She bounced. Ashton's mouth dropped and he glanced at me,

"Oh my goodness! I'm so proud of you!"

"I got pull up now" she smiled,

"You must be doing a really good job! Make sure you keep telling us if you need to potty so you can keep using the potty" Ashton kissed her cheek as Krew whined from the lack of attention,

"I'm sorry buddy" Ashton apologized and kissed his head. Krew then smiled and crawled off Ashton's lap and went straight to Luke.


The girls and I decided we'd make dinner. Apparently, the guys tried to the other night and almost burnt the place down.

I began chopping up potatoes as arms snuck around my waist and lips kissed my neck making me squeal,

"Gosh Ash" I chuckled,

"Hi baby" he stopped kissing me and rested his chin on my shoulder. And that's all he did. He just wanted to hold me, and I let him. He moved in sync with me as I worked with Crystal and Sierra,

"Hey babe" Ashton finally whispered as he leaned back on the counter, pulling me back with him, "I'm sorry about the other night. I really am. I should've called and I shouldn't have gotten so high"

I sighed and turned in his arms, letting my arms go around his torso,

"It's okay Ash. I was just frustrated because you had promised Avery and Krew"

He nodded and dipped his head to kiss my lips,

"Ewww" we heard squealed, making us jump apart to find our toddlers looking at us,

"Come here my little munchkins," Ashton laughed and chased after them. 


The twins went down for bed so we adults were outside around a fire with a beer. I was cuddled up against Ashton's side sharing a blanket with him. He would occasionally press his lips to my head,

"Is everything ready for Noah yet?" Sierra asked Michael and Crystal who were already grinning from ear to ear at the mention of the little boy's name,

"Yeah. He got to hang and with us and he got to pick everything out for his room. He picked some toys too. We're just so ready" Crystal gushed,

"He called us 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' the other day and we were both bawling" Michael smiled,

"That's amazing you guys!" Calum spoke,

"We tried to get the social worker to let him come here with us but they said no. He's spent the night at our house but this was too far for the social worker to be comfortable" Michael shrugged,

"I hope to god my kids are nice to him" Ashton breathed out,

"They will be" I assured him, "They're going to be so happy to have a new friend"

We continued sitting then but now in silence. It wasn't awkward though. It felt like old times before the kids were born. We were just there with each other, having a good time as always,

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