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< November >
< Friday >

{ Ashton }

Today was mine and Tatum's day with Avery. We try to often do a day where the kids get an individual day with us instead of always being put together. It helps them get some separation from each other but also allows Tatum and I to connect with the kids individually.

I was up before Tatum so I laid in bed just enjoying the moment. But I soon heard feet coming down the hallway telling me my daughter was about to run in. Krew wasn't here. He had stayed the night with Calum and Calum's girlfriend Brandy since they were watching him today.

The bedroom door pushed open and Avery's head popped in,

"Hi Daddy" she whispered once she saw I was awake,

"Hi princess" I smiled, "You can come in"

She smiled and ran into the room, throwing her blanket and stuffed dog on the bed before letting me help her up,

"Mommy's sweeping" she giggled and laid down on my chest,

"She is so we have to be quiet" I whispered back. Avery nodded and just stayed cuddled with me until she sat up on my stomach,

"I need to potty"

I nodded and got out of bed with her, taking her into the bathroom and helping her sit on the toilet. Although she's potty trained, she still needs some help.

Once she finished, I helped her wash her hands and we walked back into my room, seeing that Tatum was awake,

"Hi Mommy" Avery waved as she and I got back in bed,

"Hi baby" Tatum smiled, "You excited for your day with me and Daddy?"

"Mhm" Avery nodded and plopped between us, "Gonna be supa fun"

"What do you want for breakfast baby girl?" I asked and I messed with Avery's hair,

"Starbucks" Avery spoke making Tatum and I laughed,

"She's definitely our child"

I laughed and nodded,

"We can do that" I told Avery, "So go get Starbucks and get your ears pierced?"

Avery nodded and jumped up with excitement. She had asked Tatum if she could get her ears pierced a few weeks ago. Tatum and I talked it over and we figured it'd be better to do it now than later,

"Let's all get ready then we can leave" Tatum spoke, making all three of us get up.


I pulled into the Starbucks parking lot and found a spot and backed into it. I got out first and went around and opened Tatum's door then opened the back door and unbuckled Avery from her carseat, then carried her on my hip as Tatum held my free hand.

We got inside and stepped up to order. Tatum and I ordered first then let Avery order her own since she had asked,

"A vaninna beam and a cake pop" she spoke, causing the girl taking our order to laugh,

"A vanilla bean drink and a cake pop?" she asked just to be sure. Avery nodded then patted my chest,

"You gotta give you money"

Tatum and I laughed and I passed Avery to Tatum so I could get my wallet out. I paid quickly and grabbed our bakery items, then the three of us sat down and waited for our drinks,

"I can't believe we're letting her have a cake pop for breakfast" Tatum laughed, watching our daughter completely devour the cake pop. I laughed then heard them call out our drinks. I went and grabbed them before coming back to the table and passing them out.


After Starbucks, we went to the mall to go to Claires to get Avery's ears pierced. Yes I know we shouldn't take her there but it's the best option for my three-year-old.

Avery clung to mine and Tatum's hands as we walked in. She was nervous now. Luckily Tatum carried Avery's stuffed dog in and handed it to her, making the toddler hug it to her body,

"We'll go to the Disney Store after this and get something" Tatum promised. Avery nodded and leaned into Tatum's leg as I filled out the papers for Avery to get her ears pierced.

Once I handed the papers back, I sat in the chair and Avery sat on my lap, holding her dog tightly. Tatum was smiling and taking a video,

"Let's pick out some earrings" the worker smiled and showed Avery a bunch of options,

"Pink" Avery pointed then settled back against my chest. The worker nodded and got Avery's ears cleaned off the marked a dot on both ears,

"Ready?" she asked Avery. Avery nodded and grabbed my hand with one of hers. I kissed her head as the worker put the piercing gun to Avery's ear, clicking it and the earring going in. Avery gasped but she didn't cry,

"Good job Avie!" Tatum cheered, "Just one more"

Avery nodded and took a big breath as her other ear was pierced,

"Good job baby girl" I smiled, standing up but keeping her in my arms, "Let's go look at them while Mommy pays"

Avery nodded and I carried her over to the mirror, holding her hair back so she could see,

"So pwetty" she smiled, "Get more?"

"We can get some more earrings" I smiled and sat her on her feet, guiding her to the little selection. She looked at them all the chose a pack that had a bunch of different colored sets of studs.

We paid for everything then headed to the Disney Store as promised. Avery has been obsessed with Beauty and the Beast lately so she went straight to where she saw the Belle dress. She didn't ask right away for it. She just touched it then walked around some more. Tatum and I patiently followed behind.

Avery circled back around to the dress and looked up at us,

"This?" she asked. I nodded and found her size before picking it up,

"Shoes too?" she questioned,

"You can get the shoes" Tatum nodded and bent down to grab Avery's size,

"Should we find something for Krew?" I asked Avery. She nodded and took my hand and brought me to the Toy Story stuff then grabbed a Woody and Buzz off the shelf. After grabbing that, we went and checked out before starting our ride home.


"Bedtime princess" I called as Tatum and I walked into Avery's room. Avery pouted but climbed into her bed. Tatum tucked her in then knelt down,

"Did you have a good day?" she asked,

"Yeah" Avery smiled,

"I'm glad" Tatum grinned, "Now if your ears start hurting, come get me or Daddy"

"I will" Avery giggled,

"Okay. Goodnight. I love you"

"Wove you Mommy" Avery smiled then Tatum moved to let me in,

"Goodnight baby girl. I love you"

"Wove you Daddy"

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