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< Wednesday >

{ Tatum }

"So excited" Avery bounced to me as I came in from surf practice,

"You are?" I laughed as Anne and Krew came around the corner. I was taking Avery to luau dance class and taking Krew to a little Hawaiian culture class where he'll get to climb a little tree and get coconuts and stuff. They also have turtles there so I know he will like that. Avery's class was first so Anne was going to meet me to swap kids afterward.

"Let me shower and get ready. Then we will call and talk to Daddy then go do our fun stuff for the day" I told them. They gave me a nod and ran off to play in the meantime.

I headed into the bathroom and showered off. When I got out, I dried my hair and pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top then called the kids into the room. The three of us got comfy and I Facetimed Ashton,

"Daddy!" the twins yelled as soon as Ashton appeared on the screen,

"Hi my little humans! I miss you bunches!" he beamed, "Hi baby" he then spoke to me,

"Daddy I go dance cwass" Avery told him. I saw Ashton frown slightly. I know he wanted to be here but I had to get the kids doing something while we're here,

"Yeah? Make sure Mommy takes a picture" he told her, "What are you doing Krew?"

"Cwimb twees" Krew bounced. Ashton chuckled then continued listening to the kids talk about everything, even if they had told him the same things last night,

"Be good for Mommy today, okay?" he spoke once he knew we needed to get going, "I love you all and I'll see you soon"

"Wove you Daddy!" The twins waved,

"Bye Ash. I love you" I smiled and hung up, "Go get your shoes on kids"


Avery and I got to her dance class. It was actually at a place I would pass every day when I walked home from school,

"You ready Avie?" I asked her with a smile as we walked inside,

"Yeah!" She giggled and let go of my hand,

I quickly signed Avery in then they handed me her little outfit to put on. It resembles what Moana where's so she was very happy and very excited.

I walked her out to and into the room as the teacher approached us,

"Hello you must be Avery" she grinned. Avery nodded and tucked into my legs,

"I'm Leilani" the woman then looked at me,

"Tatum" I introduced,

"Alright. We're about to start. Would you like to come with me Avery?" Leilani asked her. She nodded and followed the teacher to where the other little girls were. I smiled and went and took a seat.

Avery was so into the class. She stood front and center, and every move she had was large. She smiled and giggled the whole time,

"Okay now swivel your hips," the teacher told them. Avery did just that, making large circles with her hips. I laughed and took a video and sent it to Ashton.

When the class finished up, we got pictures of the girls then the girls were given popsicles. Avery bounced over to me with the pink one in her hand,

"Did you have fun?" I asked as I picked her up,

"Mhm" she nodded, "Do it again!"

"We'll let you do it again" I promised.

As we walked outside, I saw Anne pull up in her rental car. She and Krew got out and I put Avery on her feet, letting her run off to Anne,

"Gwandma wook! I wook wike Moana" Avery squealed and did a turn,

"You look just like a princess" Anne hugged her, "You ready to go have fun while Krew and Mommy do their thing?" Avery nodded and Anne got her in the car while I got Krew in mine


At Krew's activity, he learned all about native Hawaii. He even got to climb a tree, with help from the worker of course, and get a coconut down. Then he and I got to cut the coconut with a large knife and drink the water from it.

As soon as we got done with that, they led us into a building and over to a large water pool filled with turtles. Krew's face lit up,

"Mommy!" he beamed, leaning over the side and touching a couple of the turtles,

"Do you want to hold one, little guy?" a worker walked over,

"A wittle one" Krew told him. He nodded and found a baby one, helping Krew hold it in his hands,

"This little guys name is Squirt" the worker told us,

"Wike in Nemo!" Krew giggled, "Can I keep him?"

"Sorry buddy. I don't think so" I laughed, but frowned when I saw how sad he was, "Maybe when we get home we can see if the pet store has some"

He then grinned ear to ear.


I sent Anne out for the night to relax while the kids and I cuddled up and watched a movie in bed. They were hardly watching. They were just talking to each other about what they did today. It amazes me how talkative they are now. I remember when they could barely say one word, now they're having conversations with each other.

They finally settled down and began watching the movie we had. I let them cuddle up to me as I posted on Instagram from today:



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liked by ashtonirwin and 223,364 others👥: North Shore, Hawaii@tatumirwin: had a fun day off with the kiddies

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liked by ashtonirwin and 223,364 others
👥: North Shore, Hawaii
@tatumirwin: had a fun day off with the kiddies. Avery got to take a luau class and Krew learned how to climb trees and cut up coconuts. We had to get that half Hawaiian out in the open somehow 👧🏼👦🏼🌴
^@ashtonirwin: Our kids are so cute🥺 I miss you all


I sat my phone down after and pulled the kids into my sides, kissing their head as they settled down,

"Goodnight my babies. I love you"

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