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< June >
< Sunday >

{ Ashton }

"Wake up Daddy!" I heard as tiny fingers poked my face. I could hear a laugh, knowing that was my wife's laugh,

"Krew, Avery, get off and let him wake up" she spoke. I smiled and slowly opened my eyes, coming face to face with my kids,

"Daddy!" Krew yelled and once again tackled me,

"Good morning Krewy" I laughed, hugging him to my chest and pulling Avery to me, "Good morning Aves"

"Why don't we get up and go eat breakfast" Tatum suggested. That made the kids run out of the room.

I sat up and stretched out as Tatum crossed the room, leaning down and pecking my lips,

"Happy Father's Day babe"

"Thank you" I smiled, "So what's this about breakfast?"

"In the kitchen" Tatum laughed as we both got up.

Tatum and I headed into the kitchen. The table had four plates of food and in the middle were cards and a gift bag. Then tied to my chair was a balloon that said 'Happy Father's Day'.

I smiled and walked over, helping my littles into their seats before Tatum and I took our own.

I looked down at the plate in front of me- eggs, bacon, toast, waffles, fruit- just what I like. Krew and Avery didn't have as much. They just had a waffle, a bite of eggs, some fruit, and a strip of bacon.

"Daddy good?" Avery asked me, pointing to my plate,

"It's amazing princess. Did you help Mommy?"

"Me too!" Krew jumped.

"You too!" my eyes widened playfully, "You guys did so good!"


"Should we let Daddy open his presents?" Tatum called out as she put dishes away. Avery and Krew both nodded and ran towards me, ushering me to grab the stuff on the table.

I pulled the tissue paper out of the gift bag and looked in. I first pulled out this really nice backpack,

"Yours is falling apart" Tatum chuckled,

"Thanks baby. I definitely needed a new one" I laughed and moved on to the last item- a coffee cup. The cup was white and on one side had a pink handprint with Avery's name and on the other a blue handprint with Krew's name.

"Thank you! I love my presents" I hugged my kids, kissing both their heads, "How about we have a little beach day?"

"Yes!" they yelled and ran off to their room. Tatum rounded the counter and took a seat on my lap, pecking my lips multiple times,

"There's nothing else you'd rather do? I mean it's your day technically" she asked as she pushed my hair back,

"I'm sure. Just a day with my wife and kids" I lightly rubbed her thigh,

"Then we better get changed because we'll have two crying toddlers on our hands if we don't"


The beach was pretty windy which also meant the water was cold. The kids were having more fun playing in the sand anyway.

Tatum and I were sat back in beach chairs as the kids played. Krew was building something while Avery was burying my feet with sand.

These are honestly the kinds of days I love. I love just being with my family. I love hanging out with my kids. I want to have these moments and savor them. I want my kids to know I love them no matter what. And I want Tatum to know she's always my number one.

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