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< Monday >
< Christmas Day >

{ Tatum }

Ashton and I are hosting Christmas this year. At first, we were going to travel to Australia, but with my knee, an eighteen-hour flight would have been miserable. I can walk, but I can't bend my knee.

Ashton's mom, siblings, and grandparents all flew over a couple of days ago and have been staying with us. We are grateful we have room for everyone.

We all were sitting around the living room, anxiously waiting for Avery and Krew to wake up and come running downstairs to see what Santa brought, but for some reason, they were sleeping in later than they usually do,

"You know, this is the first Christmas we get to spend with them" Anne spoke,

"That's right" Ashton sighed, "Man the world was a mess the past couple of years"

I agreed. We haven't had Christmas with his family in a couple of years because of the Covid pandemic back around the time the kids were born. After that, it was still a little dangerous and too risky for the kids,

"I'm very grateful we can all be together" Marie smiled.

A little while later, I heard little footsteps and nudged Ashton. We looked to the stairs and saw our barely awake toddlers standing at the top in their matching Christmas pajamas,

"Good morning" Ashton headed up the stairs and picked them both up, carrying them down,

"Merry Christmas" I smiled as he put them down and they walked towards me. Avery yawned and Krew just crawled in my lap,

"Avery, Krew, look! Santa came to see you" Harry spoke up. Avery and Krew both looked towards the tree and gasped, scrambling over and grabbing at the wrapped gifts,

"Why don't you two find somewhere to sit and I'll give you what's yours" Ashton suggested. Neither kid moved so Harry picked up Avery and moved her over by him while Krew sat with Lauren,

"Okay" Ashton sat back next to me once it was all handed out, "You guys can open them"

Suddenly wrapping paper was flying everywhere and toy boxes were being tossed right and left to Ashton and his grandpa to open.

"Did you all get everything you wanted?" I asked as Avery climbed up next to me on the couch,

"Mhm. Lots of pwincess dolls" she grinned while watching her dad get all the dolls out of the packaging,

"What about you Krewy?" I asked, watching him and Harry build a train track with the new tracks he got,

"Yep," he spoke simply, making everyone laugh.


While the family was all outside with Avery and Krew, Ashton and I were inside making Christmas dinner. He was working on the ham and I was working on sides.

While I was working on the macaroni that our son had demanded, Ashton snuck up behind me, letting his arms go around my waist and his face nuzzle into my neck,

"Hi baby" I laughed, letting one of my hands run through his hair,

"Hi," he mumbled and kissed my neck before settling his chin on my shoulder,

"You okay?" I asked,

"Is it bad that I'm going to be glad when everyone goes home after the holidays" he sighed out,

"Not necessarily" I spoke and turned the burner on low before turning around to face him, "Why you say that?"

"I just feel like we haven't had time for just us since we moved. I just want family time as the four of us"

I nodded. I get what he meant. We truly haven't had any time as just the four of us,

"I feel that" I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist to hug him, "We will have that time soon"

I felt him kiss my head lightly,

"I know" he whispered.


After dinner, Ashton and I got the kids bathed then the whole family settle in the living room to watch The Polar Express.

Avery and Krew were snuggled between Ashton and I. Ashton and I were pretty happy getting cuddles from our babies since we haven't had many with the family here.

Krew slowly moved to where he was sitting on my lap with his head against my chest. That made Avery lay down against Ashton,

"You two are getting sleepy" I laughed, rubbing my hand through Krew's blonde curls,

"I know" Ashton laughed, making Lauren turn around to look at us,

"Avery's trying to keep her eyes open" she laughed. I leaned forward lightly and look. Her eyes were just barely open,

"Why don't you guys go to bed" I whispered,

"Sweep wif you and Daddy?" Krew asked with a pout,

"You guys can sleep with us" I smiled, "Now how about we go get you settled in bed"

Ashton and I each carried a kid to our room and got them tucked in our bed before going back and joining the family,

"Do they ask to sleep with you guys a lot?" Ashton's grandma asked,

"Usually it's Krew. He's gotten a bit worse with it since we moved" Ashton answered,

"He's our clingier child" I explained, "Avery could honestly care less"

"Hell, when she was a baby she'd fight to get out of our arms but Krew would cry anytime you put him down" Ashton laughed,

"Well, you two have and are raising amazing kids. You two are amazing parents" Bruce spoke,

"Thank you"


Once everybody in the house headed to bed, Ashton and I locked everything up before heading into our room. We changed quietly and quickly so we didn't wake the kids up.

I slipped into bed next to Avery while Ashton got in bed next to Krew. It was like they sensed we were there because they each cuddled up to us. I kissed Avery's head and held her to me,

"I think it might kill me the day they don't want to cuddle or sleep in our bed anymore" Ashton whispered,

"Me too" I sighed, sad they are growing up,

"Goodnight Tatum. I love you" Ashton whispered, lightly taking my hand over the kids,

"Goodnight Ash. I love you too"

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