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< February >
< Sunday >

{ Tatum }

In the span of two weeks, Ashton and the boys planned, booked, and sold out an entire tour. Now, we leave tonight to fly to Seattle for the first show tomorrow night then get on the bus. They got two busses this time. My family was on one with Luke and Sierra. Michael's crew and Calum and Brandy were on the other. With three kids traveling, it's easier to have two busses so there's more room.

I had already gotten myself and the kids packed. The only person left was Ashton.

The kids were down for their nap so I headed to our room to find Ashton sitting on our bed with his suitcase open, but nothing in it,

"Babe?" I hesitantly spoke, watching his head snap my direction, obviously startled since he didn't see me walk in,

"Hey baby" he lightly smiled, holding his hand out, telling me to come closer. I walked over and slowly sat up on the bed,

"You gonna pack?" I asked, running a hand through his hair. He sighed and his head dropped to my shoulder,

"I just-I just don't want to even do this" he sighed, "I'm just done"

"Then why'd you agree?"

"Because the boys were right. We do need to do one final tour"

I nodded,

"It'll be fun Ash. Plus, we all get to come. We won't be separated for months this time" I told him,

"I know. I'm excited about that" he smiled, lifting his head, "Help me pack?"

I laughed at his little pout,

"Sure" I nodded, "Pick your clothes and I'll fold them and put them in your suitcase"

Ashton nodded and got up and started finding clothes, tossing them to me where I folded them and neatly packed them in his suitcase. When he finally had clothes and shoes done, he moved on to all his toiletries. They say women have a lot of things, but I think Ashton alone has more than anybody I've seen.

"And done" Ashton flopped back on the bed as soon as his suitcases were closed,

"Mommy! Daddy!" we then heard yelled, making us both laugh,

"Parent duties call"


We dragged into the airport and made it to our terminal without tantrums from the toddlers. We were the last to get there, quickly finding the rest of the group. Noah was already sound asleep in Michael's hold. Both Ashton and I knew Krew and Avery would probably be asleep as soon as we sat down.

Krew was being extra clingy with Ashton. He wouldn't let go of Ashton. Ashton definitely caught on and glanced at me, making me shrug,

"Mommy" Avery tugged my shirt and we sat down, "We go wif Daddy right?"

"Yeah princess. We're all going" I nodded then it hit me, Krew thinks Ashton's leaving and we aren't going with. I grabbed my phone and quickly pulled up my messages to text Ashton who was across the way from me with Krew,


[ Krew thinks you're just going.
He doesn't understand we're all going ]


Ashton looked up at me when he saw it and I watched him turn Krew around to talk to him. Krew's whole demeanor changed after and he was definitely not as sad and down.

Not long later, our plane was called to board. Ashton and I got to board with Avery and Krew first along with Crystal, Michael, and Noah since the kids are under five.

I sat on one side of the aisle with Krew and Avery and Ashton sat on the other side of the aisle. Unfortunately the rest of the group was all spread out throughout the plane. Avery and Krew were sad Noah wasn't sitting closer to us.

As soon as we got up in the air, Ashton and I got the kids settled in and they both quickly dozed off. Once they were sound asleep. Ashton looked over at me and fist bumped me,

"That's what I call good parenting"

< Monday >

{ Ashton }

It was time for my last first show and for the first time, I had pre-show jitters. I stood side stage as we waited to go on, lightly bouncing on my feet,

"Hey, you've done this thousands of times. Just go play" Tatum walked up, her arms snaking around my waist,

"Thanks baby" I smiled, pecking her lips quickly.

"Show time, one minute" the stage director ran by. I nodded then smiled at my two toddlers who were excited to watch us play. I knelt down to their height and hugged them tightly,

"I love you two" I kissed their heads, "You guys gonna sing super loud?"

"Yeah! Like Uncle Wuke" Avery grinned. I laughed and stood. Tatum handed me my drumsticks and kissed me once more,

"Go get 'em rockstar" she winked. I winked back and ran up on stage.

And that's when I had the best show I think I've ever had. There was so much power and so much love from the crowd. Then every time I looked side stage, I saw my wife and kids dancing and singing the whole time.

As soon as I came off the stage, Avery and Krew hugged my legs and Tatum pecked my lips. I would give them proper hugs but I was sweaty and I knew they'd hate that,

"Dat was supa cool Daddy!" Krew jumped around once he and Avery let go, but his sentence was followed by a yawn,

"You look sleepy" I laughed as we started towards the dressing room,

"I am" Avery nodded,

"Yeah? Well how about we go get ready for bed while Daddy takes a shower" Tatum spoke up. Both kids nodded,

"You all and Mommy go to the bus and as soon as I shower I'll come join you and give you night night kisses" I added.

I helped Tatum grab their stuff then I headed off to shower. I wasted no time. I was in and out so I could cuddle my kids before they went to sleep. But I wasn't fast enough because Tatum shushed me as I walked in. I nodded with a slight frown,

"I hate missing bedtime. They won't want cuddles, kisses, or stories for much longer" I sighed,

"But it's not over yet babe" Tatum stepped forward, her arms wrapping my torso, "I know it seems they're growing up fast, but they're still little and will be for a while"

I nodded. Missing my kids grow and missing them be little is what I feared with the band. I'd be away or be super busy and I'd miss the best little moments,

"I just don't want to be a bad dad and being in the band will make me one. Why can't we just go home now and be done?"

"Ashton, you're not a bad dad. You're probably the best I've ever seen. Quite thinking like that baby"

I just sighed and she let go of me,

"I'm going to go to bed. Luke and Si should be here soon. I love you" I spoke and headed to the bunks, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

It can be a conversation for another day.

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