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< Wednesday >

{ Tatum }

I walked into the house after an amazing session at the beach. The house was quiet except for the sound of the coffee pot in the kitchen, which is where I assume Ashton is.

I came around the corner, indeed finding my husband at the counter, pouring coffee into a travel mug,

"Morning baby" he spoke, glancing over his shoulder,

"Morning bub" I smiled, walking closer and letting my arms wrap around him,

"You smell like the ocean" he joked as he kissed me and let his arms circle me,

"I wonder why?" I laughed then let my head rest against his chest,

"I got to get going" Ashton gently pulled away, "I'll be home by five"

I nodded and stepped up on my toes to kiss him again,

"Drive safe. I love you"

"I love you too"

Once Ashton had left, I headed upstairs to take a quick shower before Avery and Krew woke up.

I walked into mine and Ashton's room, shocked when I saw them both awake, drinking from their sippy cups, and watching tv in the bed,

"Good morning babies" I kissed both of them, getting tired hums back, "Mommy's going to take a shower. Stay here okay?"

I got two tired nods in return and grabbed some clothes before going into the bathroom. I showered fast and dried my hair, then got dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.

I walked into the bedroom and both kids were standing by the door ready to go downstairs,

"Let's go get some food in those bellies" I laughed and took them downstairs. Both decided they wanted cereal so I helped them into their seats and grabbed their food. I just had some yogurt and fruit.

"What we do t'day?" Avery asked as she pushed her empty bowl away,

"You and Krewy are coming with me to the surf place. Mommy's getting a new board but you all get to color it and draw on it. Then we have to go to the grocery store"

"Get cookies?" Krew's eyes lit up. I laughed. We don't really buy junk food but we will always get Oreos,

"We will get cookies" I promised.


After getting both kids dressed, I got a diaper bag together and got them into the car, both with a toy for the drive. Luckily for me, the surf warehouse all my stuff is at and where Chris is now at is here in Huntington Beach so I don't have to drive up to LA.

Chris came out of the building as I pulled in. He ignored me and went right to the back door where my kids were fighting to get out of their carseats to hug him.

He unbuckled them both then hugged them as he carried them,

"You two ready to make Mommy a super cool surfboard?" He asked them as I followed behind. They both nodded and he put them on their feet.

They had the blank board on a low table and had tons of paints and markers for them to use. Thank god I brought them extra clothes because I know it's going to be all over them.

Avery set in right away, grabbing a pink marker and drawing. Once Krew saw her doing it, he grabbed a blue marker and followed along,

"So you've got a tournament booked in Hawaii in a few weeks" Chris mumbled out, "Do I need to book you a hotel?"

Surfer Girl 2 // A.I (completed)Where stories live. Discover now