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< Sunday >

{ Tatum }

Ashton pulled into the driveway and shut the car off. I was so ready to get out of the car. It was not comfortable with my leg having to stay straight.

I looked up from my lap and noticed that Luke's car was here, telling me he and Sierra were here with the kids still. I was grateful we had amazing friends like them to help us out.

Ashton got out and came around and opened my door. I dropped out of the truck on my good leg then used Ashton to hold onto. He handed me my crutches and followed behind me to the house,

"Let me walk in front of you. I know the kids are going to come running" he spoke, holding the door, letting me step in before he stepped in front of me. As soon as the door shut, I heard little gasps. We walked further in the house and saw the kids on the couch with Luke and Sierra,

"Mommy!" they beamed and came running, but Ashton stopped them right before they got to me,

"We have to be careful because Mommy's knee is hurt. She has to use those crutches to help her so we have to be careful so she doesn't fall" Ashton warned, "How about Mommy sits down then we can hug her"

The kids nodded and Sierra and Luke got off the couch so I could sit,

"Okay. Can I have my hugs?" I asked, making Krew and Avery smile before climbing up and side hugging me, "Were you good for Uncle Luke and Aunt Si?"

They both nodded with a giggle,

"You okay?" Krew asked as I kissed his head,

"I'm okay. I just won't be able to do a lot for a little bit"

The kids nodded and Avery laid her head against my arm,

"Thanks for taking care of them," I told Sierra and Luke who were standing by Ashton,

"Yeah of course! It's good practice for us too" Sierra smiled, lightly placing her hands on her stomach.


Luke and Sierra left and Ashton went and grabbed the ice packs for me. He helped me get situated on the couch then put the ice packs gently on my knee then kissed my lips,

"Need anything baby?" Ashton asked, grabbing a blanket and draping it over me,

"I'm okay babe. Thank you"

He smiled then walked back to the kitchen to make Avery and Krew some lunch, which would be mac-n-cheese due to their request,

"Mommy? Does it huwt?" Avery asked as she stood next to me,

"A little bit," I told her, brushing her hair with my fingers,

"What doctor do?" Krew asked, popping right up next to his sister,

"They made a little cut and fixed what was hurting" I explained simply, not really wanting to tell them what happens in surgery,

"So no pwaying wif us?" he pouted,

"I can play with you all. I just have to sit down and play" I told them, "Do you all want to play?"

"We can color" Avery smiled,

"Go get your coloring stuff" I laughed and watched the two of them take off.

They came back quickly and gave me a coloring book and handed me a box of crayons. Krew and Avery plopped their stuff on the coffee table and decided to do their coloring there.

Ashton walked in with two of the kids' bowls and sat them down on the table,

"No messes," he told them, making them nod and begin to eat as they colored. He laughed and sat next to me, peering over at my coloring,

"You went outside the lines" he teased, making me roll my eyes. I sat my coloring book to the side and cuddled into my husband's side.


Once the kids were in bed and asleep, Ashton came back downstairs and cuddled up on the couch with me, and turned on a movie. He made sure to drape a blanket over us before he pulled me into his arm, still making sure my knee was propped up,

"I remember the first time you tore your ACL. It scared the shit out of me. We had barely been dating then" he recalled,

"I don't remember much of that one. I blacked out in the water" I laughed nervously,

"It was scary. I'm impressed with how you kept surfing with this one"

I laughed,

"I was in a lot of pain but I had to try" I shrugged, letting my head fall against his shoulder, "I wanted to finish my last tournament"

"I know you did" he kissed my head,

"This couldn't have come at a worse time. We're selling the house soon and moving. I need to be able to do stuff" I complained,

"Baby, I can do the brunt of it. We'll find stuff you can sit down and do"

I nodded and looked at the tv. I felt Ashton gently grab my face and tilt it towards his,

"We're fine babe" he assured. I nodded and he pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was slow at first until Ashton's tongue slipped past my lips, deepening the kiss.

I pouted when he pulled away,

"Chill out, I'm not done"

Surfer Girl 2 // A.I (completed)Where stories live. Discover now