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< Sunday >

{ Tatum }

The kids and I successfully made it to Hawaii and into our house. My tournament starts in a few days so Anne was flying here today. We're picking her up from the airport soon.

Avery and Krew are so excited for their grandma to come. They've only seen Anne in person twice but they've spoken loads on the phone. FaceTime has saved our lives with talking to family. But the kids love their grandma. Ashton can't even talk to his mom without the kids joining in.

With Anne being here soon, I got up and headed into the main area of the house and started to clean. You'd think it wouldn't be that messy in just a couple of days but when you have two toddlers, the house gets messy fast. Toys get scattered and there are crumbs of food everywhere.

As I wiped down the kitchen counters, my phone started buzzing and Ashton's contact photo showed up. I grinned and answered, propping the phone up as FaceTime loaded,

"Good morning baby" Ashton smiled as his face popped up,

"Good morning bub" I smiled back, taking a seat on the stool,

"You look cute" he chuckled, making me roll my eyes. I was wearing a pair of shorts which you couldn't see because of Ashton's large T-shirt, which covered my body, with my hair up on a bun that had pieces falling out of it,

"Is everything okay at the house? You didn't have any issues getting in?" Ashton asked, his protectiveness coming out,

"Yes Ash. Everything was fine" I promised. He nodded,

"I miss you" he mumbled,

"I miss you too but the kids and I will be with you before you know it" I smiled,

"Speaking of, where are my little humans?"

"In bed still. They didn't go to bed until late. We had to watch some old 5SOS concert footage"

Ashton hummed then looked over his shoulder at someone,

"I'm sorry, I have to go. Mike told me we are needed," he sighed, "I love you"

"I love you. We'll see you soon"

The call ended and I sat my phone down, checking the time in the process. Avery would be up soon so I needed to finish up. I didn't have to worry about Krew too much. That little boy can sleep for so long.

And it was like she knew I was thinking about her, Avery came walking into the kitchen,

"Good morning Avie" I smiled as she held her arms up. I picked her up and hugged her to my chest, kissing her cheek,

"Hi" she mumbled. She was still a little sleepy. Usually, she wakes up full of energy and ready to go,

"Is Krew still sleeping?" I asked, working on getting a sippy cup for her while holding her,

"Yeah" she spoke. Right now, she and Krew are sharing a room and a bed. They insisted that they were going to have a sleepover while we were here. They weren't harming each other so I saw no problem with it.

I sat Avery in a chair and gave her a muffin then went to wake Krew up. He needed to get up soon so we could go pick up Anne.

I quietly walked into the room and over to the bed. He was all curled up under the covers, laid flat on his stomach, his head not even on the pillow. He honestly sleeps just like Ashton.

"Krew" I whispered, rubbing his back gently, "Time to get up buddy"

He rolled over onto his back with a whine,

"I know but the sooner you get up and eat the sooner we can see Grandma" I spoke. His little eyes widened and he sat up.

I picked him up and carried him out to the kitchen, sitting him in the chair next to Avery and giving him his sippy cup and a muffin.


The kids and I got to the airport and headed inside. Avery and Krew could not wait to see Anne. They both stood in front of me staring towards the exit for Anne.

I spotted her first but stayed quiet so Avery and Krew could point her out. Krew saw her almost immediately after I did,

"Gwandma!" He yelled and both he and Avery took off running. Anne knelt down and pulled her grandkids into a hug,

"Oh, I've missed you two" she cooed, kissing their heads and cheeks,

"Let Grandma stand up kids" I laughed after a minute. Avery and Krew both stepped back and Anne stood, hugging me,

"It's so good to see you sweetheart" she spoke softly,

"You too" I nodded before we pulled away,

"Now let me grab my bag so you can show me this house you and Ashton will be moving to"

I laughed and grabbed my kids' hands while we went to get Anne's bag.


We got home and the kids ran off to play while I took Anne up to her room then showed her around the house, telling her about all the updates that Ashton and I have done and plan on doing.

"This is amazing Tatum" Anne complimented,

"The beach is just out back and down a tiny path" I added,

"So when are you all moving then?"

"Not for another year or two. We just want to be in by the time the kids start school"

"I know Harry and Lauren will like this" Anne laughed,

"Gwandma! Come play!" Avery ran in, taking Anne's hand and bringing her to play with Krew and her.


Anne went to bed early due to her day of travel. So I started to get the kids ready for bed, knowing Ashton's going to call them.

They got in their pjs and climbed into bed, so I grabbed the iPad and laid between them as Ashton's name came across the screen. I answered it and let the twins take over,


"Hi my little humans! I miss you" Ashton cooed,

"We miss you" Avery spoke,

"You'll see me soon I promise" Ashton nodded, "Is Grandma there to play with you all?"

"Yeah! We pway wif twucks" Krew answered,

"Very fun" Ashton chuckled, "Are you being good for Mommy?"

"Yeah" Avery giggled and snuggled into my side,

"Well, you my little humans look sleepy. I think it's bedtime"

"It is bedtime" I laughed,

"Okay, lay down and cuddle with Mommy" Ashton smiled, "I love you. Sweet dreams"

"Wove you Daddy" they both spoke, blowing kisses before hanging up and we three snuggled up together to fall asleep.

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