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< April  >
< Friday >

{ Tatum }

Today is the last show of tour and the boys are happy.

Tour is ending here in Nashville which is one of the guys' favorite places to play. As we got to the venue this morning, there was already a line to get in. The massive lines of people tend to overwhelm Ashton and Michael some just because of the kids. But when the guys go out to talk to the fans, the kids tag along and end up talking to and hanging around the fans. The fans are good with the kids too. They won't take pictures and will give them their full attention.

We were all sitting in the dressing room messing about while the boys talked absolute nonsense. They were just filled with happiness about going home tomorrow morning. The girls and were glad the boys were happy, but a little sad to not see the boys living out their rockstar dreams anymore. But, we realize and we know that they have more important things now,

"Let's go talk to the fans" Michael suggested, "Girls come with us and the kids"

The girls and I looked at each other but nodded. I got up and Ashton picked up both Avery and Krew. I followed behind him out the door and out to the front where the line was, staying with Ashton while the rest separated,

"Hey guys!" Ashton grinned as the fans noticed us. He put Avery and Krew on their feet as he came to a stop. Krew was still holding onto the ball he had brought while Avery was clingy onto her stuffed dog,

"Want to pway?" Krew walked up to one of the girls,

"Of course" she smiled as Krew threw her the ball. She lightly tossed it back as Krew caught it. Avery quickly saw and joined in the little game. Ashton went to step in to stop, but the fan told us it was okay and happily played catch with our three-year-olds,

"Can we ask you a question, Ashton?" one girl asked as Ashton tucked me into his side,

"Yeah of course" he nodded, his hand resting on my hip,

"How'd you know that Tatum was the one you were going to marry?"

I smiled and looked up at my husband, curious myself,

"I think I just knew. The first time we met, I knew. I know that's hard to believe coming from a guy who never believed in marriage, but as soon as Tatum stepped into my life that changed. She's amazing, which I don't tell her enough, and I'm so glad she came into my life. Now, we're married with two kids and life couldn't be any better"

My heart swelled a little,

"Why did you guys decide to stop doing the band?" another girl asked. I felt Ashton take a breath and lightly give my hip a squeeze,

"It's time. We're all married or in a serious relationship. Two of us have kids and one's about to. We need to be with our families. We love the band and what it's done for us, but now it's time to focus on our families" Ashton answered.

Another girl went to ask something but Krew had stepped in front of us, making both Ashton and I look down at him,

"I gotta potty" Krew bounced, making Ashton pick him up fast,

"Sorry girls, we gotta take care of this. Thanks for coming to the show" Ashton beamed and I grabbed Avery and Krew's ball as we all walked inside.


{ Ashton }

It was showtime. It was our very last show.

I stood side stage with the rest of the boys, us four in a little huddle,

"Last show. Let's rock this" Michael smiled,

"I love you guys" Calum spoke,

"I love you guys too" I smiled, as we heard our call, "Let's kiss our girls and our kids and get out there"

We broke from our huddle and I headed to where Tatum, Krew, and Avery were. Both Krew and Avery were wearing their custom-made 5SOS shirts with pajama pants and their noise-canceling headphones. 

I knelt down in front of my twins and pulled them both into a big hug,

"I love you two so freaking much" I told them,

"We wove you too Daddy" Avery giggled. They both kissed my cheek and I let go of them and stood up, looking to Tatum.  She smiled and hugged me,

"Go kill 'em rockstar" she whispered, "I love you"

"I love you too baby" I smiled, pulling back and kissing her lips, "Thank you for sticking by me"

"Of course babe" she smiled and we were then called on stage. I was handed my drum sticks and turned around, suddenly feeling my butt get slapped,

"Gotta keep the romance alive" Tatum smirked. I rolled my eyes and ran up on stage, playing my very last show.


We began finishing up the last song of the set, She Looks So Perfect, the four of us getting emotional. I abandoned my drumkit and headed to the front of the stage with my band. We all wrapped our arms around each other then took our final bow, tears coming to all of us guys.

We couldn't hold it much longer and all went into a group hug then turned and motioned for our girls and kids to come out. They all came out and I hugged my little family as Luke began to speak,

"We thank each and every one of you fans for everything you've done for us over the years. We love you all. We thank you for understanding why we are doing this. We will continue to stay in touch. Thank you"

The mic was put down and we went in for a large group hug with everybody,

"The perfect end to this crazy band ride"

"And we ended it with our family to be with our family"

"What a crazy fucking ride"


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