
627 22 1

< July >
< Tuesday >

{ Tatum }

Being back at home meant we were back to our normal schedule. I was up at four in the morning and leaving the house. Now I'm at the beach, ready to get out in the water for a surf session.

I waxed my board then put my engagement and wedding ring on the necklace around my neck. I usually never wear them surfing. I'll typically just leave them at home. I forgot to take them off this morning and I didn't want to leave them in my car.

Once I was ready, I picked up my board and ran out into the water. Paddling out was tiring because the waves were really strong this morning.

I grabbed a bunch of waves, riding them out as long as I could. I killed some turns. As I got tired, I started wiping out. But I stuck it out and kept working. I wasn't to worried about time since Ashton didn't have to work today so he'd be home all day too.

Once I got out, I pulled my rings off my necklace and put them back on then grabbed all my stuff and walked back to my Jeep. I secured my board on top and put the rest of my stuff on the floor in the backseat. I climbed in the front then headed home.


When I got home, I put my surf stuff away before quietly walking into the house. Everyone was probably still asleep.

I walked up to mine and Ashton's room to find him still asleep. I grabbed some clothes then quietly slipped into the bathroom and hopped in the shower, even though we were going to Michael and Crystal's and I'd have to take another tonight. I just don't like feeling all grainy from the sand all day.

As I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, the door opened and Ashton stepped in,

"Morning" he spoke quick and ran to the toilet to pee,

"I'm glad we are on this level now" I joked,

"Whatever. I watched two babies come out your vagina" Ashton rolled his eyes as I moved so he could wash his hands,

"Yeah but you just peed with me in here"

"You literally pooped while I was in here once!" Ashton laughed,

"Hey, a girl's gotta poop too" I shrugged and started pulling my clothes on- which was just shorts and Ashton's hoodie.

Ashton pulled me into him and pressed his lips to mine for a long minute,

"How was surfing?" he hummed, his lips still ghosting mine,

"Intense" I mumbled, "I got tired fast"

"Yeah? You want to go back to sleep?"

"I'm gonna try and get some more in before the kids wake up" I nodded, moving out of his grip and going into our room and getting into bed,

"Okay baby" Ashton chuckled, "I'm going to go for a quick run and then workout"

I nodded and curled up under the covers, closing my eyes after making sure the kids' baby monitors were on.


I woke up hearing talking coming from Krew's monitor. I could hear Avery talking so I guess she went in there and woke him up,

"Go bye!" Krew cried. I groaned because I knew I was going to have to get up.

I slowly rolled out of bed and walked down to Krew's room. From the hallway, I could hear Avery talking up a storm.  She's our early bird and will wake everyone else up when she wakes up.

I walked into Krew's room and found the very awake Avery and a very mad Krew,

"Avery, did you wake him up?" I questioned, stepping in,

"Yes," Krew answered for her,

"Avery, you can't just wake him up. I know you're awake but that doesn't mean Krew wants to be awake"

"But I want pway" she pouted l,

"I know but he doesn't. Let him sleep" I picked her up, "Rooey, do you want to sleep some more?"

Krew nodded and I tucked him back in and carried Avery out,

"I'll get him up soon. We're going to Uncle Mikey's so we have to wake up anyway" I told Avery, getting a very excited squeal in return.


We got to Michael and Crystal's about a few hours ago and both the kids have yet to leave the pool. Us adults were sitting nearby keeping an eye on them as they played,

"So you guys are really gonna move?" Calum spoke up, directing his question to Ashton and I. Ashton and I glanced at each other,

"Yeah" Ashton nodded and took my hand, "It'll be good for us"

"When you guys leaving?" Sierra carefully asked,

"It won't be until sometime next year. January is what we planned for. We don't really care when we move. We just want to be there before the kids start going to school. We have at least two years" I shrugged,

"Well Michael and I have some news" Crystal smiled, take my Michael's hand,

"Tell us!" Sierra squealed,

"So we're going to be adopting a little boy.  His name is Noah and he just turned three" Michael smiled. We all aww'd,

"That's awesome you guys" I gushed,

"We've hung out with him quite a bit. We got approved pretty quickly. He's come over and loves Moose and South" Crystal teared up as she talked, "This is just something we've been dying for and it's finally happening"

"I'm so happy for you all" Luke smiled,

"When does he come home?" Ashton asked,

"After your guys' writing trip. So Mike and I need to get his room done" Crystal laughed,

"We're really happy for you" Calum added, "Maybe Noah will be good friends with Krew and Avery"

"I hope. I hope all our kids have a really special bond" I smiled,

"I guess that means we're all moving to Hawaii so they can grow up together" Luke chuckled,

"Not gonna lie, Crystal and I talked about it after we visited," Michael told the group, "We might be joining you in the move" he then looked at us,

"So it's settled, we're all gonna move?" Calum's eyebrows lifted,

"Let's go right fucking now!" the boys screamed, which grabbed my kids' attentions,


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