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< Sunday >

{ Ashton }

"I'm going to head out babe. You're good with the kids today?" Tatum asked, hugging my waist as I grabbed myself a cup of coffee. She was going to a surf thing then she was going to get everything for the kids' birthday, which was in a week,

"Yes baby, I'm fine. Plus I want a little day with them" I grinned. She nodded and stepped up on her toes and kissed me,

"Drive safe. I love you" I spoke as she headed out the door,

"I love you too" she called back.


I was doing some yoga when I heard both the kids pattering down the stairs. I stopped what I was doing and looked up, watching them come around the corner and b-line right to me,

"Good morning" I smiled, kissing their heads and bringing them into hugs,

"Milk?" Krew tiredly pouted, but made me laugh,

"Let's go get your milk" I stood with both kids in my arms and carried them into the kitchen.

I sat them both on the counter then grabbed their sippy cups, filling them both with milk before handing it to them,

"How about food? What do you all want?" I asked,

"Wittle muffies!" Avery cheered. I laughed and put the kids back on the ground and grabbed them each a pack of mini muffins,

"What do you guys wanna do today?" I asked,

"Uh pawk and bikes," Krew told me,

"And swing" Avery added,

"We can go to the park and ride bikes and swing" I smiled,

"Picic too" Avery grinned,

"And a picnic" I laughed, "But you guys gotta eat breakfast first so we can get dressed to go"


The kids finished up eating and I took them up to their rooms. I sent Avery to play while I got Krew ready. Krew is easier to get dressed so I usually do him first.

"You wanna pick your clothes?" I asked, grabbing a diaper and some wipes. Krew nodded and bounced over to his dresser, pulling the bottom drawer out and throwing me a pair of black shorts and a Spider-Man shirt.

I got him changed then grabbed what I needed to put in the diaper bag for him,

"Okay, I'm going to get sissy ready then we will leave"

Krew just nodded and started to play with his trucks.

I left his room and headed next door to Avery's. She was undressed and had her shirt on her legs,

"Avery, did you try to dress yourself?" I asked with a smile. She nodded,

"Need help" she pouted. I nodded and walked towards her, taking her shirt off her legs and putting it on her torso. I changed her pull-up to underwear and helped her put her shorts on.

"What do you want me to do with your hair?" I asked, grabbing her small brush and getting the knots out,

"Two bwaids like Mommy does it"

"Two braids it is" I laughed and let her sit in my lap so I could do her hair. Let's just say, I'm the hair master now. I practiced before she was born with Tatum's hair so I would be able to do my daughter's hair.

"All done" I smiled and helped Avery to her feet. She giggled and hugged my legs as I stood up.

I quickly finished packing the diaper bag then got the kids in their carseats and put their bikes in the trunk along with their helmets.

I tossed a couple of water bottles into my truck then hopped in and headed out.


We got to the park after stopping at Subway to grab sandwiches. I got out and put everything in the diaper bag and threw it on my back. I then opened the back door and unbuckled both kids, helping them to their feet.

We walked around the back of my truck and I grabbed their helmets, putting them on their heads, then got their bikes out,

"Alright, you all can ride ahead of me but I have to be able to see you and be able to catch up to you," I told them. They both nodded and hopped on and I began following them, which was not as easy as I thought it was going to be. I kept having to run after Avery. She kept riding right into people walking. She did it again and I told Krew to stop then grabbed Avery's bike,

"I just told you not to do that," I told her, watching her eyes widen, "Don't do it again or we're leaving the park"

She nodded and I let her go again. This time she kept on the one side of the sidewalk.


We ended up at home earlier than I planned, but Avery kept acting up the whole time. I don't know what's been up with her today. Maybe she just needs her nap. But, unfortunately, Avery did inherit my mood swings.

As soon as we walked in the house, the kids went and plopped on their beanbags in front of the tv. Krew fell asleep almost immediately. Avery wasn't far behind- answering my theory of needing a nap.

While they slept, I went and got laundry started and started thinking about what I was going to make for dinner.

When to twins woke up, they both headed upstairs to play and I got dinner started on the stove since Tatum should be home soon. But that didn't last long because I heard Krew yell for me.

I turned the stove off and headed up the stairs. I came around the corner and saw Krew holding his diaper standing in a puddle- the kid peed on the floor. Next thing I knew Avery was pushing him, making him fall in the puddle of pee and hit his head on the hardwood,

"Hey!" I spoke a little louder, "Avery, timeout right now"

"No no no" she started her tantrum, her crying louder than Krew. I groaned and picked Krew up carefully so that I didn't get pee on me,

"Avery, timeout"


I took a breath to calm myself down but thanked the Lord when I saw Tatum walk up the stairs,

"What happened?" she questioned,

"Krew peed on the floor and Avery pushed him into the pee" I explained, still holding my pee covered son,

"Toddlers" Tatum laughed then picked Avery up off the floor, "Timeout Avery"

Tatum carried Avery off and I took Krew into the bathroom, getting him fully undressed and into the bathtub,

"Why'd you potty on the floor?" I asked as I started cleaning him up,

"Want be big boy" he pouted,

"Next time tell me or Mommy first so we can help you, okay? But, I'm proud of you for trying"

He nodded as Tatum leaned in the doorway,

"I'll finish up with him. Why don't you go talk to Avery" she told me. I nodded and we switched spots. I went and found Avery sitting in the timeout corner with a pout,

"Let's go talk Avery" I sighed and picked her up, carrying her into mine and Tatum's room and settling with her in my arms on the bed,

"Why'd you push Krew?"

"Don't know" she pouted. I nodded,

"Baby you can't do that. You haven't been listening either today"

"I'm sowwy Daddy" her lip trembled,

"I know Avery. It's okay. But, you have to listen and be good. Hitting and pushing Krew is not okay. Can we be good and on our best behavior? No pushing Krew and listening to me and Mommy?"

"Mhm. Sowwy Daddy. I wove you"

"I love you too"

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