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< Tuesday >

{ Ashton }

"How are you all doing today?" Our manager, Mark, spoke as he walked into the conference room that the boys and I, along with our head tour team were in,

"Good. How about you?" Michael answered. None of us were too happy to be here. I honestly just wanted to be at home with my wife and kids,

"Doing well" Mark hummed.

He flipped through a stack of papers then handed us all a packet. The first page made me want to sink immediately,

"Tour dates are set" he spoke before Calum cut him off,

"We leave next month. Why are we just now finding out?" he spoke, his voice elevated,

"It's just how it is" Mark waved it off,

"No. We have to know these things in advance. Mike and I have kids. We have to make sure that our wives have help at least. We can't do that on such short notice" I argued,

"I'm sorry boys" he sighed. I was mad. Not only that they did schedule it, didn't talk to us, then screwed up things, but Tatum's invitational surf tournament is then.

I sighed and ran my hands down my face,

"Do our partners and kids get to come?" Michael asked,

"Yeah of course"

I sighed again. There's no way I can bring the kids and not Tatum. I can't handle both by myself with no help. I'm not going to dump them on one of my friends when I'm on stage,

"Well, my wife and my kids won't be coming"

"What? Why?" Luke turned to me,

"Tatum got asked to surf in that big invitational tournament. The kids would much rather be on the beach in Hawaii rather than cramped in a bus"

"Dang. Noah will be sad Krew and Avery won't be there" Michael sighed,

"Sorry boys but this is all we can do" Mark spoke.


The four of us walked out of the meeting still bitching. We were not happy. We have such a short time to plan for this.

"What're you gonna do Ash? I mean Tatum's surfing and you're touring. What are the kids going to do?" Calum asked,

"Well, they'll go with her probably. I may see if my mom wants to fly in and go with Tatum"

"I'm sorry dude" Luke patted my back,

"It's whatever at this point" I shrugged, "I'm gonna head out. I've got to meet Tatum and grab the kids. She's got a meeting today too"

"Alright. See ya man"


I pulled into the Chick-Fil-A parking lot and parked next to Tatum. We figured we'd meet and grab a quick lunch then I'd take the kids home.

Once I had the car off, I looked to Tatum's and saw Avery waving at me from the backseat. I chuckled and waved back before getting out.

I opened Tatum's door first and let her get out, pecking her lips in the process. Then she walked around the car and got Krew out while I opened the back door and helped Avery out.

Tatum took my hand as the kids walked inside in front of us and the four of us got in line,

"How was your meeting babe?" Tatum spoke, looking up at me while we waited,

"We need to talk" I sighed. She hesitated but nodded and I quickly pressed my lips to her head.

We stepped up to the counter and the kids were bouncing, wanting to order themselves,

I picked Krew up first and let him speak,

"Nuggies and fwies and spwite"

I sat him on his feet then picked up Avery,

"Nuggies and fwies and spwite"

Then I sat her down and Tatum and I ordered. I paid for it then we grabbed our drinks and went to find a seat.

Once we had eaten, we headed back out to the cars and I got the kids in my truck before turning to Tatum,

"I'll be home around 3:00 then you can tell what you need about your meeting" she spoke, stepping up on her toes and pecking my lips. We pulled away and the two of us got in our vehicles and went out opposite directions.


It was eight o'clock at night and Tatum still wasn't home. After her meeting, she got dragged to another one then was sent to a surf ranch for some practice waves.

She should be home soon. She called me from the car not long ago and told the kids goodnight.

I just got Avery and Krew to sleep when I walked down the stairs and heard the door open. I heard bags dropping and little murmurs before Tatum appeared from around the corner.

"Hi baby" I smiled and pulled her into my chest,

"Hi babe" she giggled and kissed my jaw, "Sorry I got home late. I didn't think we had all that today"

"It's okay T" I promised, "How was everything?"

"Long. Boring. But we got dates and surf times and stuff so that's good" she shrugged and pulled back and went and sat on the stool at the counter,

"How was your meeting? You said you needed to tell me something- that we needed to talk?" She asked, holding her hands out for me to stand between her legs,

"So, they scheduled us a tour" I spoke, letting her stare at me for a couple of seconds, "I leave September first"

Her mouth dropped,

"That's so soon!" she gasped,

"I know. The boys and I are pissed about it all. We switched management after Covid because of miscommunications and things like this, now it's happening again" I grunted, "When's your tournament baby?"

"September tenth to October first. I was hoping to go down early" she sighed, "Ash, what do we do about the kids? It doesn't matter which one they go with. Neither of us will have the proper help!"

Her voice was rising now. She wasn't mad at me or anything. She was just upset and now stressed.

"Baby, I have an-"

"Daddy? Mommy?"

That small voice made both of us stop and turn. Avery stood in the entryway, looking a little scared,

"No yelling" she whined and covered her ears, "Be nice"

"Oh baby" I sighed and picked her up,

"We're not yelling at each other baby girl. Me and Mommy are just a little upset but not at each other" I explained.

She nodded and I sat her on her feet,

"Princess, why don't you go sit on the couch and me and you will cuddle for a bit" Tatum broke in. Avery nodded and walked around the couch,

"What were you saying?" Tatum whispered,

"What if I see of my mom wants to fly to Hawaii. She can help with the kids. She'll say yes. She wants to see them so badly. Then when your done surfing, you and the kids come meet me on tour" I suggested,

"Actually, that's a good idea" she nodded,

"I'll talk to my mom tomorrow" I promised, "We're fine baby. We've got it figured out"

Surfer Girl 2 // A.I (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant