fifteen. i forgot that you existed

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[ 2x01 raindrops keep falling on my head - part 1 ]

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[ 2x01 raindrops keep falling on my head - part 1 ]


Mackenzie Sloan's life in Manhattan, New York was not as perfect as people thought it was. She was around ten years younger than the people closest to her: Mark, Derek, and Addison. She was the little sister of the group, but as they grew older and their jobs picked up, she felt more alone than ever.

There were too many nights of her just sitting in front of the TV and ordering takeout food. She would usually call Derek's mom or Amelia to talk to, but they had their own things to do at times as well.

When Mark became distant, she had Derek and along with him was Addison. They checked up on her when her own brother wouldn't. Especially when she escaped her "picture perfect" life in New York, Mark stopped talking to her completely (give or take the occasional birthday text). She blamed it on them not having a proper family to grow up with. Yes, the Shepherd's took them in, but their dad was never the same after their mom passed away. Therefore, Mark would never be the same and that affected Mackenzie as well.

Seeing faces from her past was a common thing in Seattle. First, Mackenzie saw Alex, her first true love. Second, Derek; someone who acted like a real brother to her, before everything went down with Mark and Addison.

And lastly, Addison. She was the least expected here. She was also the one to blow everything up in Mackenzie's face.

"Mark told me he says hi and he misses you," Addison had told her.

Meredith had rushed off already, not looking at Mackenzie on her way out. Alex stood by the front door, letting Mackenzie sort this out for herself. He would ask questions later.

"I don't care what Mark has to say," she said. "You're a filthy cheater."

Addison seemed taken aback. She flipped her curled up hair to one side. "Hm, has Derek said that about me?"

"She's just saying the truth," stated Derek. "Kenzie, you can go. I can handle this."

Mackenzie glanced between the two of them. "Just go back to New York, Addison."

As she turned around to walk away, Addison called out, "Can't! I'm here for work. Guess you'll be seeing me around."

Mackenzie clenched her fists as she walked up to Alex. If she turned around, she'd lose all her composure and completely go off on Addison. She couldn't lose her cool in a hospital.

Alex placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her to her car. She glanced around for Meredith, but saw her car still there. She must've been at the bar across the street.

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