twenty one. youngblood

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[ 2x04 deny, deny, deny - part 2 ]

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[ 2x04 deny, deny, deny - part 2 ]


"Addison gave Derek divorce papers, which is good. I mean, she's still here being Addison, but it's not like I'm jealous or anything."

"Or you're just good at hiding it," suggested Mackenzie.

Meredith gave her a glare.

"That's odd," mumbled Cristina.

"It's odd that I'm not jealous?" asked Meredith.

"No, you have every right to be jealous," said Cristina. "It's your territory, and she's peeing all over it."

Just how Izzie is with Alex, thought Mackenzie.

"What's odd is Burke's patient," continued Cristina. "She's been in four other hospitals this year. You know, something's not right."

"You see awfully interested in Burke's patient," pointed out Meredith.

Cristina sighed. "This has nothing to do with Burke."

"This has everything to do with Burke," said Mackenzie.

"Cristina, you lost a fallopian tube, a baby, and a boyfriend all in one day. You have the right to be upset," said Meredith.

"And you're losing McDreamy to his perfect wife," countered Cristina. "And Kenzie, watch out for Izzie. She's looking at Alex way too much."

"Izzie's definitely not a problem."

"I'm not losing McDreamy. Divorce papers, remember?"

"Okay, Cristina we should really get back to your room before Bailey chews my ass out." Mackenzie stood up, but Cristina held her hand out.

"If the situation was reversed, would you want to spend time with your mother in a confined room with one window?" asked Cristina.

"My mom's dead so..." It didn't bother Mackenzie saying it; it was a long time ago and she was never close with her parents anyways. She had Mark for a bit, but then started acting like them.

Cristina sat there with her mouth open, not really knowing what to say after that.

"Is it too much to ask to stay down here?" smiled Cristina.

Mackenzie rolled her eyes. "Stay here. Page me if you start to feel off. And you're taking my double shift when you get back healthy."



Mackenzie watched from the gallery as Derek and Alex operated on a guy with a bullet wound in his head. With her day of babysitting Cristina, she needed neuro to keep her awake. It was nice seeing Alex and Derek working together so well. The thought of them two being like brothers in the future if Mackenzie and Alex ever got married warmed her heart.

The word marriage still scared her. Not because she didn't want it, but because it was a touchy subject with Alex still. She has made sure not to bring it up recently, but as time goes on she can't help but think about walking towards Alex standing at the end of the aisle. No other future for her makes sense.

As Mackenzie stands up to go check on Cristina, Alex catches her eye. He gives her a little wave and she gives one back.

Once Mackenzie got to Cristina's room, she was taken aback by the waterfall of tears streaming down Cristina's face.

"What the hell?"

Meredith runs to the room a couple of seconds later. "What's going on?"

"I can't stop. I can't - I can't stop," Cristina struggles to say.

"Can't stop crying," Izzie finishes for her. "She can't stop crying."

"I can see that. What did you guys do to her?" asks Meredith.

"Did George try and give her advice?' questions Mackenzie as she goes up to Cristina.

"Hey! I give good advice," defends George.

"We did nothing," says Izzie.

"She's going to dehydrate. Cristina, do you want some water?" George tries shouting over her cries.

Cristina profusely shakes her head. "No. No. No."

Meredith and Mackenzie go to comfort Cristina, but Izzie and George pulls them back.

"No! I already tried that. It made it worse."

"I knew she'd break sooner or later. Just a matter of time," commented Cristina's mom.

"I will kill her!" yells Cristina.

Meredith escorts Cristina's mom out of the room.

"What can we do?" asks Mackenzie.

"Sedate me! Somebody sedate me!" begs Cristina.

Mackenzie quickly pulls out a sedative from the drawer and injects it into Cristina's arm properly. Cristina doesn't say anything else as she slowly calms down and lays back in bed. Everyone gives each other an odd glance before dispersing into the hallway.

Checking her watch, Mackenzie didn't even realize her shift was done in ten minutes. She'd just have to update Cristina's chart and she'd be good to go.

Turning a corner, she stopped when Webber and Alex were seen having a discussion in the middle of the hallway. She waited until it was over before walking up to Alex.

"Everything okay?" she asks.

Alex stayed silent for a moment. He then nodded his head. "Yep. Everything's fine."

"But didn't Webber need to speak with you earlier? It sounded serious," said Mackenzie.

"Oh, it was nothing. He was just asking about a patient from last week," reassured Alex.

Mackenzie wasn't satisfied with his answer, but she decided to believe him. They were going to be truthful with each other.

"Okay," she said, holding out her hand. "I gotta do one more thing, but want to go to Joe's?"

Alex shook his head. "Actually I have to check on my gunshot wound patient. I'm sorry, but I'll see you tomorrow morning."

He quickly kissed her cheek and turned to walk the other way. Mackenzie let her arm drop to her side. She didn't like the shift in Alex's mood one bit.


so sorry for the short chapter; didn't realize i could've fit it all into one!

i promise in a few chapters things are going to start to pick up speed again. we're just building up to it now

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