Chapter 481-490

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Chapter 481: Forming an Alliance with a High-Five

At that moment, the team leaders who had gone through the file suddenly remembered the seventh part that they had read suddenly reached a revelation. This time, whether it was those team leaders who questioned Ling Lan's abilities, or those who had trusted Ling Lan along with the other team members, all of them now had nothing to say.

Zhang Jing-an's vice captain saw the situation and promptly said, "Captain Ling, our battalion will wholly obey your commands." That statement made the two other team leaders from the other mecha clan to each declare that they were also willing to obey all of Ling Lan's orders.

Li Lanfeng and Han Jijyun looked at each other right then. All of the remarks made by Zhang Jing-an's vice captain were always in favor of Boss Lan. If they still didn't know that Zhang Jing-an had already formed a partnership with their boss, then they wouldn't be fit to become the Lingtian Battle Clan's strategists.

Seeing the situation, Qiao Ting felt uneasy. He knew that his chance at the role of commander was completely shattered. The silence and the giving in from before, was caused by Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng's double teaming in the conversation, causing him temporarily give in. Another reason was that he had wanted to see whether Ling Lan would be able to control this group. Qiao Ting had intended on showing his hand once he found out that Ling Lan could not control these unruly individuals from the different teams, at which moment he would have become a prime candidate for commander.

Unfortunately, the final result made him truly helpless. The means which Ling Lan used were more forceful and decisive than he thought. Faced with Han Yu's questioning, she didn't choose to just let it go but instead chose to toss him away and make him obey. With that, not only did she hold down Han Yu's fury, but at the same time she also frightened the rest of the team leaders and members. No one dared to make any more comments about Ling Lan's choices, making it so her orders would be obeyed without question. It really was killing two birds with one stone!

Seeing that everyone was finally seeing her as the commander, Ling Lan closed the discussion. She let all the team leaders to go to the weapons warehouse to choose the weapons needed for their own respective teams. She handed her nameplate to Lin Zhong-qing. After the other team leaders finished picking out their weapons, she would then tell Lin Zhong-qing to use her own nameplate to confirm. Ling Lan was the First Men's Military Academy's real team leader. When they registered, they used her nameplate to acquire the proof and the 50 million credits.

Just when Qiao Ting stood up and was about leave, Ling Lan suddenly turned around and said to him, "Captain Qiao, please stay."

Qiao Ting slowed down and then blankly seated himself again, waiting for what Ling Lan was going to say.

Ling Lan didn't say anything, but instead she asked Han Jijyun to take out a piece of paper and a pen and began to draw on the paper. After around three minutes, Ling Lan then raised her head and said to Qiao Ting, "Captain Qiao, can you come over and check this for me?"

Qiao Ting was confused. He walked forward and found out that Ling Lan had drawn the data which had been displayed on the large screen for only one minute at the drawing ceremony. Ling Lan had drawn about 70% of the map. Some of the parts, he hadn't even noticed. He hadn't thought that Ling Lan remembered it all.

"Help me add on to it!" Ling Lan said, passing him the pen in her hand.

Qiao Ting raised his head and asked in confusion, "Why would you want me to add to it?"

Ling Lan's gaze met Qiao Ting's and she replied with a question, "Then Captain Qiao, you didn't memorize the map?"

Qiao Ting became silent once again. He hadn't thought that his actions had been transparent to Ling Lan, which gave him the feeling that he was restrained by Ling Lan. Qiao Ting took a deep breath and let out the small hint of defeat in his heart. He took the pen and wrote down the places that he remembered that didn't overlap that in which Ling Lan had memorized. Just like that, the entire map was around 80% complete.

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