Chapter 1301-1310

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Chapter 1301 Wake Up!
“This toy is pretty sensitive to the environment-altering domain concepts.” Domain realm masters were all unique existents. However, those who were considered to be difficult to deal with were those who could completely conceal themselves within the environment they were in. Unless they randomly hit, they wouldn’t show any trace of themselves.
Those types of domain realm masters were born to be spies. In order to guard against these types of domain realm masters, each nation had developed different equipment to detect domain concept energies like this detection tool the Federation’s military headquarters’ research institute had invented. Caesar also had invented something similar. Although the detectors were essentially doing the same thing, there was still a clear distinction between the good quality and bad quality detectors. In reality, the technology in them hadn’t been really perfected. Additionally, the cost of making such a tool was very high. Most of the somewhat capable nations were all trying to get past the problem with cost. Even if such technology was well-known in the upper echelons of each nation, the average citizen was still completely unaware of the existence of such detectors.

If the people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces hadn’t not shown her the detector, Ling Lan probably wouldn’t have known that the Federation had already invented a tool that could detect domain concept energies.

Realizing that they had hit Ling Lan, the three who attacked became even more intense in their search. They paid even more attention to the detector in their hands.

Their detectors reacted again. The three of them were overjoyed at the reaction and immediately flung out their chains. However, in the following moments, their expression turned grave. It was because the direction they flung their chains towards were all different.

Their detectors gave three different results but there was only one opponent so this meant that their detectors were wrong.

Ring! A seemingly silent ringing sound traveled through the air around them.

Lines of threads revealed themselves in front of their eyes in the space around them, trapping the three of them in the center. They were completely surrounded by these threads. It was as though they fell into a web of spiders with no chance of escaping.

Seeing this, the three of them shook their right hand quickly and the chains shattered into countless needles before shooting out towards all sides wildly in an attempt to make space for them.

The overwhelming number of golden needles made for a terrifying scene. It gave off the feeling of being swarmed by a ton of hornets.

However, in the next second, these flying needles suddenly slowed to a halt before dropping like flies to the floor.

The three men grimaced because they could see their needle being encased in ice. By encasing them in ice, it cut their flow domain concept energy to the needles, stopping them from being able to remotely control them.

At that moment, Ling Lan slowly appeared in front of them, standing not far from the three men. All of her fingers trembled slightly and ten crystal-clear threads appeared out of thin air.

“Impudent!” The black-cloaked man sitting on the tree branch shouted angrily when he saw what was about to happen to his comrades. Then he disappeared from the tree.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared beside Ling Lan with a lightning bolt in his hand.

Right as the lightning bolt was about to hit Ling Lan, Ling Lan turned her head and looked at it coldly.

Bang! An ice hammer appeared out of thin air and ruthlessly clashed with the lightning bolt.

The clash between two domain concept energies instantly caused a deafening explosion.

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