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WHEN I FIRST FOUND OUT about Klarise and Juno, I thought I was dreaming, and that this was the worst dream possible. Something I couldn't quite comprehend. But even more impossible, I found out not from Klarise, but from Juno.

And I was also the first person he told.

He was going to produce a movie and wanted me to star in it, and I really thought that was all we were going to talk about. But right after finishing up and covering all the stuff like an estimated box office price, other potential actors/actresses to star in it etcetera, before hanging up he said:

"You're the first person I'm telling this to, since you and Cameron have been together the longest, I think you'll be able to give me some advice."

I remember laughing, thinking how even all these years, as much as all of us trusted Juno, he never knew the truth between me and Cameron or me and Klarise. Juno, with his dazzling blue eyes and blonde hair, was the kind of guy who kept his questions to himself. If he even had any, because from the usual look of it, he seemed pretty earnest and always thought everything around him was as true as it's put off to be in the core. Sometimes I want to see the world in his eyes, to see only the kind parts of it. And this was why, as much time as he spent with the four of us, even though he heard everywhere about my rivalry with Klarise but then saw her hanging out with us for most of the time, despite all of that, he did not ask a thing or thought anything was off. Some days, if I was delusional enough, I mistake him for the past Mason.

This was also what led to what we have here. And what might as well, from now on, shatter small pieces of Juno Gallapher, pulling him into our mess that he never knew existed.

I checked off the things I had done for the day and one of them being: "FaceTime with Juno for Movie". I looked up and glanced at the time, seeing that I had some extra minutes to spare for this. And also noticing how his smile was even more sincere than usual.

"Does this mean the single, handsome, sweet guy has finally found a girl for him?" I asked, the obvious sound of teasing in my voice.

He blushed, looking away from the camera for a second. "Well...okay, you got me there."

I was actually excited. Because Juno, from the years we've known him, had never mentioned even one girl he was seeing. "What's she like? Let me guess, she loves movies and producing as much as you do?"

His eyes got larger by my question, and he looked like he was already imagining her. I, too, was starting to form a vague picture of just who this woman might be in my mind.

He chuckled, almost shyly. "No, sadly I don't think she's into producing or movies. She's been in one movie though."

Now I was even more drawn in, letting out a knowledgeable exhale. "Ah, so she's in this business too huh? She an actress?"

He shook his head, a childish grin casually placed on his face but obviously it's nothing casual at all. "No, not quite. Although in the past she has joined some reality shows."

I nodded, getting my mug and taking a sip of the coffee that's in it. "So...she doesn't like the main stuff you like. Tell me about her personality then. Or how you two met."

His eyes gleamed with delight, like he had been waiting for a million years just to be asked this so he could share it. "I mean, I've always known her for a while. Except we never really got to talk, but for some reason I was always a little...drawn towards her. There was always something so captivating about the way she did things, the way she would be so focused on something she seems to tune the whole world around her out. She's like..."

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