Authors Note

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Okay, I know I should've added this at the start but too late to complain now.

If you've made it this far--not exactly very far but yeah--thanks. I'm sorry if the previous newspaper might've offended anyone, because of the minor swearing and stuff. I would've put a warning in the description but I was running out of characters (also sorry if the synopsis got long my friend said it was). Also a disclaimer, I do not own any of the photos I put on here so if one of them is yours and you don't want it up just ask me and I'll take it down.

"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid. That's where I should start this. Ever since I read this book, I became like obsessed. And when I say obsessed, it's to the point where my friends would literally ignore my texts because all I could talk about was "Evelyn this, Evelyn that".

I have written one story before this, though I don't want to get too into it because it was not my proudest work and this is not what it's going to be about. But when I was close to finishing that story, I was struck with this sudden idea:

"Oh my gosh, what if...what if I wrote my own version of Evelyn Hugo?"

So that's basically how it all began. I did not know Wattpad existed then, I wrote on this app called Pages, it's free, and then I got my solemn writer confidant to read it as I updated one chapter by chapter. I'm a little past the halfway point of this story that you are about to keep reading (or not I don't know) as I write this, and then my friend got me to discover Wattpad. And I was just like...WHATTT, ok how did I not know about this app?

Not a lot of my friends are readers. And what I've been trying to do is to just get more readers, even if my writing is crap I need more readers and I need to keep writing. I've gotten some sort of harsh comments before and I don't get offended too easily (or am I?). But anyway, yeah, Wattpad is what I'm starting to publish this story on and I'm open to criticizes and all kinds of comments. (Not inappropriate ones and really offending ones though.)

I really want to publish everything I've already written all at once. good as Wattpad is it's changing a lot of my original formatting and I need to edit it, such as words that are supposed to be italicized and stuff don't get that. Also, why can I not tab?? Okay, I should just be appreciative that I could publish my work and get readers. So giving you a notice that I will most likely be updating at a somewhat steady pace instead of dumping everything in one day.

I'm not claiming my work, this book, to be the most original idea. If you've read Evelyn, you'll find the similarities instantly, some may like that, some may not. But none of the characters back there are in my story, so if you're looking for a fanfiction that consists of the original characters, just a heads up this is not it. Also just a sideways note you do not need to read Evelyn in order to read/understand my story. Though I do strongly recommend the book, what I can say about it is that it's mind blowing and I've fallen quite in love with Taylor Jenkins Reid's writing ever since.

My story may match your taste, it may not, but my main goal is to try to capture as many readers as I can. And also a heads up that my story will be rather longer than all the other stories I see on Wattpad here so if you don't want something too long don't read this (I just have too many things to tell for this story!). I'm not going to try to change the characters' personalities, nor their relationships, to match another's taste. But what I will try, first and foremost, is to give you a complete story. One that I solemnly promise will finish. I will give you an ending.

- R.L.

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