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AFTER SHOOTING MY FIRST FILM with Juno Gallapher, and I had to admit, he was one of the best producers and directors, even when he just started. Not just skills, but also attitude and respect, which not many of them had. He did though, and I was starting to take a liking to him, so we kept in contact even after shooting. I was—hard for me to confess at the time—excited to work with him more in the future, wherever if he'll become more known. And I was pretty sure he felt the same.

Well when shooting finished, The Princess Bride, an movie inspired from an old book, it wasn't going to come out for at least another half an year. There was no premiere since we didn't have enough money, and that left me either going to take on another project, or I could take a break. Money wasn't a problem anymore, and people knew me all over. So I wasn't really in a rush to take on something else.

Klarise came back from tour a few weeks before Chinese New Year, and it was time to tell Cameron and Mason about us. I hadn't because I didn't know how, but if I really wanted to be with Klarise then I knew I had to tell them, especially Mason.

Cameron had gotten a place in LA, a house actually, would've been grander but Mason told him not to get a place too expensive (he was always very hesitant on spending large amounts of money). And ever since then, Mason has been staying over there instead of the apartment we shared. Sure, I felt lonely, but it was also a chance for me to meet with Klarise, where she was suddenly staying. When Klarise came back from tour, she stayed at my place.

It wasn't one morning, with her nice lavender smell of hair next to me as I woke up in bed, that I finally got up the bravery to tell her what I didn't—or what I was afraid to—do.

"Cameron? Oh, I thought you already told him about us so I didn't."

I traced the pale skin right below her collarbones, the blanket quilt half draped over us. "Well I didn't, and I also need to tell Mason."

She sat up on bed and took up one of my t-shirts and threw it over her, brushing her bed hair out with her fingers. When your partner wears your clothes in the morning after a long night of sleeping, that for some reason always pulls a satisfaction string, doesn't it?

"You seem to really care about him."

I smiled, and got up too and put on an oversized shirt. "Yeah, he's my best friend."

Klarise got to the kitchen and started making the both of us breakfast, when she was done and the aroma of pleasant pancakes and bacon was cooked, I denied the bacon and took the pancakes with a bowl of fruits. Had to watch my diet.

She kisses me on the cheek before taking a bite of her bacon. I grimaced a little, watching her, wondering what her nutritionist would say since she was, I mean, a looked upon figure after all. I think I cared a little too much sometimes, and watching her in a way like that made me fall for her a little more.

"Well tell them then, a phone call will do."

She offers me some syrup and I decline it, eating my pancakes plainly. "What? No, that will not do. They're two of the most important people to me, and news this big I cannot just tell them on the phone. The years that you left me, it was them who——"

I stopped immediately as the words were out, and Klarise has stopped chewing too. She glances down at her plate.

"Klarise, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in any way of what you're thinking. You're now here, the past doesn't matter."

She looked up at me, and she smiled. A forced smile. "It's alright, wanna finish breakfast and go on a walk?"

For the rest of the day, I felt guilty about what happened in the morning. And I never felt guilty all that much, but it bothered me. It really did, and even during our walk, as some people recognized us, while signing their autograph my mind was stuck on that morning.

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