Loki to the Rescue! Part 2

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Okay NOW we will find out everything in this chapter. I promise. No third part! And I also have a very serious question to ask...

Should I end this? Are you guys getting sick of it? I mean, I'm not but I'd like to know what you guys think. So after your done reading, I'd like you to vote.

Comment BANANAS for that "I should keep going"


PANCAKES for "I should stop"

Thanks and enjoy the chapter!

[Loki is online]

[Tony is online]

[Pepper is online]

[Thor is online]

[Bruce is online]

Tony: Alright...who should we look for next?

Thor: The NYAN CAT!! He will help us defeat Slender Man

Loki: Thor shut up for a minuet I'm trying to listen to something

Bruce: Oh yeah...I can hear it too!

Tony: What?

Loki: I think someone's fighting! Hurry!

Pepper: Oh god no more running

Bruce: Look!


Loki: ...I'm not sure if that is Rogers...he looks all wimpy and...not buff

Tony: That's how he used to look before they gave him the stuff

Bruce: So he's just a regular guy?

Loki: A regular guy fighting an ENTIRE ARMY!!

Tony: That's the Hydra Army!

Pepper: But that was YEARS ago!

Thor: Apparently they seek revenge! We must help!

Loki: No

Bruce: Oh come on Loki! Now is NOT the god damn time to get back at us!

Loki: No it's all an illusion, like Banner's. I can see through it because I dealt with magic

Thor: So have I!

Loki: Yes but you are an oaf. Now we just have to try to convince Steve it's not real...

Tony: I'll invite him

[Steve has been invited to the Chatroom]


Bruce: Steve just calm down everything will be-


Pepper: He doesn't seem like he can be reasoned with

Loki: All he wants is Peggy! But I don't know....ohhhhh that son of a bitch Slender...

Bruce: What?

Loki: I know what I have to do

Tony: if it's getting Peggy then hell no! You are NOT leaving us alone in here!

Loki: No...no...I have to shape-shift INTO Peggy

Bruce: .....um wat?

Pepper: You can do that?

Loki: Yes but...it's not pleasant...hold on...

[Loki is now Peggy]

Peggy: Ah there we go!

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