Captain Amercia VS. Superman

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The greatest well-known superheroes of all time. But only ONE can be the greatest....

[Superman is online]

[Steve is online]

Steve: So do you really save the word all the time?

Superman: On a daily basis

Steve: And you really come from an alien planet

Superman: You can bet your lucky socks I do!

Steve: And your really married to Wonder Woman?

Superman: Indeed I am! Would you like an autograph son?

Steve: Boy would I! Oh wait....wait no...I'm mad at you! How could you call me grandpa!?!

Superman: Aren't you 80 or something?

Steve: Technically....yes but....YOU'RE AN ALIEN!!

Superman: That doesn't stop the ladies from knocking down my door!

Steve: I don't have to wear a cape!

Superman: ....alright I give you that....but I have a hair curl!

Steve: I have an amazing backstory! Also, how many movies have been made about you? Like 50,000,000,000? And I only need one and the Avengers to be AWESOME!

Superman: I don't want my son to be around some awkward grandpa from the 40's!

Steve: And I don't want my....sorta friend's daughter to hang around a egoistic alien!

Superman: ....

Steve: I'm sorry that was uncalled for

Superman: No no, I get it...I can be a bit big headed sometimes

Steve: Yeah but you really look good in red and blue!

Superman: Hehe, you to son

Steve: Hey....have you ever had shwarma?

Superman: What's shwarma?


Superman: Hahaha alright, but I'm flying!

[Steve has logged off]

[Superman has logged off]

[Darren is online]

[Jessie is online]

Jessie: So was that....a tie?

Darren: I guess so...

Jessie: Ugh, is my Uncle gonna be friends with your dad?

Darren: Seems like I guess we'll give points to each?

Jessie: Yeah, Avengers: 2 Justice League: 1

Darren: I have to say the Avengers are pretty cool

Jessie: I dunno, you family seems to have A LOT LESS DRAMA

Darren: Oh yeah? You should see some of THEIR Chatroom stuff. It's ridiculous! One time, Flash stole everyone's clothes and wouldn't give them back unless they caught him

Jessie: lol okay maybe you guys are crazy...but there was this one time where my Aunt Natasha was dating Slender Man and Uncle Clint PUNCHED HIM....IN THE FACE!

Darren: 0-0 damn...I don't think I can top that....

Jessie: lol maybe someday! Alright let's get moving! Who's next?

Darren: I believe it's....Black Widow Vs. Wonder Woman!

Jessie: Ohhhh this is gonna be great!

Darren: Can you please tell you aunt not to kill my mom please?

Jessie: I'll try....but you know how she is....

Darren: Alright good enough! Lets get going!

[Jessie has logged off]

[Darren has logged off]

So how was that? I didn't think Steve and Superman had A LOT to fight about since they are both nice guys. So I decided to make them friends if that okay....Alright comment and review please!

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