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after inumaki taught you some more professional tips about combat, you were starting to understand it more. you were sure you could defeat nobara even before the sister school exchange event would start.

it had been about 3 hours so far and he had taught you how to dodge quicker, have better counters and use less movement. you were thankful for him, he was your senpai after all so it was only natural.

you were tired and it was almost time to have dinner again. inumaki called it a day and you thanked him for the training before heading up to your room.

you thought you could take a quick nap before dinner to be more refreshed. so you laid down in your bed and not even a minute later, you were already sleeping.

it was a nice dream, more like a memory of your life before jujutsu tech, before you could see curses and before your new friend had died.

youve had an ordinary life and always longed to have some more action in your life. but when it came, you werent prepared.

you saw your mom in front of you, making dinner. it smelled amazing, her cooking skills were admirable and you wanted to be like her too. it was as if she could do anything in the world. and that made you feel like the safest person on earth.

smelling a sweet aroma of your next up dinner, you couldnt wait to savor the taste. but that made you wonder about something. "mom, why does dad not eat dinner with us often?" you had asked her.

she explained to you in the most peaceful voice youve ever heard, "that is because his job requires to be out late, honey." she smiled at your sudden spark of interest in your dad.

you knew his job was important and so you asked on "what is his job?" is what came out of your mouth after what seemed like an eternity. after thinking of any possibilities as why your dad would not come home to taste the best dinner that your mom made.

that is when your mom hesitated. and you noticed it too. adding an extra "mom?" to your previous question as she was about to avoid the current topic.

after deciding it was now a proper age for you to know. she told you, "he is a very good sorcerer, n/n"
(nickname) and that was when a whole new world opened on for you. your mom told you about the evil curses in the world and how your dad helped to safe people all around the world.

"so he is like superman!" you excitedly called out. remembering how much you loved to see superman on tv. "yes he certainly is, sweetie" she laughed out.

of course your mom didnt tell you about the dangerous parts of his job, how he could lose his life any moment and how they were all in danger as your dad was a famous sorcerer.

several intelligent curses were looking for you and your mom to keep as a hostage. the conversation about this new world kept going untill it was your bed time.

"i wanna be just like dad!" you shouted out. your mom turned to you with a face that expressed a slight bit of concern and horror. which was quickly replaced by her normal and peaceful demeanor.

"sure sweetie, if you want to you should do that." she quickly answered and showed her infamous smile once again.

you groaned as you heard someone knock on your door. it was just a dream, more like a flashback. you wondered what your mom was doing at the moment, especially your dad.

your mom was not very content about your choice of becoming a sorcerer, it left her crying. you cringed at the memory and heard a second knock on the door.

standing up and walking towards the door, you opened it. "maki-senpai, hello." you said after spotting the green haired second year. you didnt expect her to be here to the least.

that was untill she gave you a plate with rice on it. you looked confused at the plate and then back at maki.

after you didnt say a word she spoke up, "you missed your dinner and i have to make sure my kouhais are eating properly, so eat up." she smirked.

you missed dinner, great. that was all you could think about, you never skipped dinner, of course there were some exceptions but you didnt expect it to be because you overslept.

"oh, thank you maki-senpai, i appreciate it alot, i was already getting hungry too." you smiled sheepishly at her, a little embarrassed.

you held a small conversation with maki about the event and training and she decided to give you more hand to hand combat training as well.

after she left, you started eating your dinner. unfortunately it was already cold due to the fact that you were talking with your senpai not too long ago.

'it had been a nice day.' you thought to yourself while getting ready to sleep after finishing dinner. it was around 11PM now and you were ready to sleep. not ignoring the fact you basically napped twice today, but only getting a total of 5 hours of sleep.

you looked out your window one more time and saw it was pitch black, you could make out some lanterns around the school but that was about it.

you could see the beautiful stars and meteors passing by since there was not much light around jujutsu tech at night.

you made a mental note to sit on the roof once a while to just observe the stars at night. it would be great to rid you of any worries and such. you had loved stargazing since you were little and were always fascinated by the plantes and galaxies.

you closed the curtains of the window you were just looking at and walked over to your bed, sitting at the edge and tying your hair up, ready to sleep.

laying in bed you tried to visualize your hand to hand training one more time and eventually headed to sleep.

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