Chapter 42: Revelations

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The end of the tour came and I didn't know what was going to happen. Technically I was living with Eric. He had his studio there in Charleston to keep him occupied. The band were talking about him producing their next record which would have the guys hanging around the house while they weren't busy at the studio. He'd insisted they stay with us while they were working on the new album. Of course, they decided to take a two-month hiatus before jumping into the next album. That meant two whole months of solitude with just me and Eric.

I wasn't sure what to do with myself. It felt awkward to me but he seemed so at ease at home with me. Like I belonged there or something. About a week after we came home, we found a routine. I made breakfast then he'd head off to his studio. I'd clean up from breakfast then go upstairs to my office so I could get on my work. Sometimes when things started to irritate me or got me flustered, I'd take a break and walk down the secluded beach. It was calming and serene. Just what I needed! Sometimes Eric would come home and bring lunch with him. Most of the time I had lunch by myself. We'd usually cook dinner together but sometimes he called and let me know he'd be home late so I'd make dinner by myself.

After dinner we'd watch TV together before heading off to our separate rooms. The next day we'd start all over again. It seemed like a simple life but I was finding I liked it. He was more than nice to me. His parents had us over for dinner several times. She'd come over sometimes and continue to teach me how to cook and bake. I liked spending time with her. She was incredibly nice and knowledgeable. They had a little family get-together while we were on break and he insisted I go. "It'll do you good to get out of the house and away from work for a while." he told me making me shake my head at him. I had to admit I did have fun hearing stories of Eric as a child and teenager from his family members! I had a good time that day. Even got a few photos of me and Eric thanks to his mother.

Not that I had gone with the intention of getting photos of us together. She insisted on taking them and always winked at me afterwards. His whole family seemed to take to me pretty well which surprised me. I was making my own living while I was staying with Eric so I hoped they weren't judging me about me living with him. The day had been interesting that was for sure. He laughed when I told him it was fun hearing childhood stories about him. He ordered us pizza for dinner since it had been a while since we'd eaten and neither one of us wanted to cook that night. I went to take a quick shower as we waited for our dinner to arrive.


Two months went quicker than I hand anticipated. Barry, Brent, and Zach all temporarily moved into our house while they worked on the newest album. We'd gotten into a regular routine after a few days. I made breakfast for everyone in the mornings, they headed off to the studio afterwards, and then I cleaned up. Afterwards, I went up to my office to get on my own work while they were at the studio. I had dinner waiting on them when they returned that evening. Sometimes they didn't come in until late. There were a few nights they came home earlier than usual. Those nights, Barry liked to grill which I loved.

Things were going well. I wasn't thinking of my family back in Texas. The album was supposedly coming along great. I was getting more and more clients all the time thanks to Bill and the word-of-mouth by the clients I already had. Joan, Eric's mother, asked me one day if I'd like to go out shopping with her. My work was frustrating me so I agreed. I didn't want to be rude and she was always nice to me. I was surprised when she picked me up a little while later. There was a tall blond in the passenger seat. Joan introduced me to Kellie, Eric's ex-wife. I felt awkward being in the same car as this woman. Joan explained they all had remained close even after the divorce and that she still considered Kellie as family.

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