Chapter 8: Death Metal Wake Up

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 We were seated at a table for five on the left side of the restaurant close to a big window. There were a few tables in between us and the wall so some of the road crew and my fellow students were seated there. I buried my nose in the menu already feeling the anxiety level rising at what conversations might come up. Especially since I hadn’t really talked to Jake much. I mumbled my drink and breakfast order when our waitress returned. I could feel eyes on me and I figured it was either Jake or one of the band. 

“What’s that multi-colored bracelet mean? I’ve seen people wearing something similar at shows before.” Jake stated  

“It’s a survival bracelet.” I stated, unable to look him in the eye as I spoke  

“Survival? For what?” He inquired  

Again, all eyes were on me. It made me really uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, talking about myself at all makes me uncomfortable.  

“Sometimes it reminds you of stuff you survived or a reminder to keep your head up through stuff you’re going through.” I explained  

My phone dinged signaling a new email. I took my phone out to check my email. It was another photography project. This time I had to do a “scene” with the band. There were no restrictions to this. Great! Now I have to come up with something and I have no idea what’s around the venue or where to go or anything!   

“What do the colors mean?” Jake asked as I looked up from checking my email on my phone  

Man this guy was inquisitive!  

 “Green is for depression, teal is for anxiety, orange is for hunger, black is for self-harm and purple is for domestic violence.” I quickly replied, mumbling the ‘self-harm’ bit 

 I took the chance to look up at him. He seemed confused. Why I wasn’t sure. 

 “I understand the depression and anxiety.” Jake slowly stated, “Hunger, self-harm, and domestic violence?”  

“Like I said, sometimes it’s just a reminder of things you’ve survived.” I stuttered  

“Miss Abrielle! You need to do a photography shoot with the band today correct?” Bill stated as he came to a stop next to our table  

I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful for a distraction from Shinedown in all my life!  

“Uh, yes. I just got the assignment last night so I haven’t been able to come up with any ideas yet.” I replied, “Actually I have two. One is the live concert and the other is just a scene. There are no restrictions on that one.”  

“I’ll schedule some time today for you to try and get the scene one done. Let me know if you need anything, OK? Jake, make sure the security knows she’ll be walking around photographing the band during the show” He smiled warmly at me 

 “Will do, Bill.” Jake replied 

 “Thank you.” I replied with my own smile  

“We’ll be near the beach when we get to the venue. As a matter of fact, the venue is only about two blocks from the beach.” Jake informed me  

“Oooh! That could be lots of fun!” Zach exclaimed  

“Didn’t you guys already do like a beach photo shoot a few years ago?” I asked, raising my left eyebrow  

“Yeah but it wasn’t really on the beach. I guess technically it was considered the beach. We were in a building, like a security tower type thing, but that shoot was all in that building.” Brent explained  

“Hmm. Ok.” I thought  

I took a napkin and a pen from my bag and began scribbling out ideas. Most weren’t very good but hey, I need a starting point, right? I’d gotten lost in to figure out what would make these guys look even more amazing, what I was capable of doing, and what all I might need that I hadn’t realized breakfast had been brought to the table. Brent touched my left shoulder and I jumped. It was painful, since I had a large bruise where I’d been pushed into a doorframe, and a bit of shock. The guys just laughed figuring it was just shock. I nibbled on my food while I continued working out what I could do with the little time I would probably have. 

 By the time breakfast was done, I’d come up with four basic but fun ideas. I wouldn’t need a lot of stuff and it shouldn’t take all day to photograph. My summer photo shoot for the band would include: playing volleyball, making sandcastles, playing Frisbee, and the four of them buried in the sand up to their necks/head. For the most part they would participate in the activity while I just photographed it. With any luck I’d get some good shots to use!  

After breakfast, I quickly made my way back onto our bus. Shawn and Michael got back to playing xBox. Once again they started blaring some death metal. I headed to the very back and put my head phones on to try and drown out what they were blaring. I emailed Bill about my ideas and the few items I would need. Once that was done, I began looking through my favorite photography sites to get any tips on shooting outdoor, beach, and moving scenes. I didn’t want to waste their time and I wanted this to come out really well.   

The time must’ve really flown because the next thing I know, the death metal stops and I hear voices other than my bus mates. Brent pops his head in the back lounge and tells me that we’ve made it to the venue and that Bill is looking for me. With a shy smile, I thank him and then turn to pack up my laptop. As soon as I had packed that all up, I put it in my locker and grabbed my camera bag. Making sure my locker was locked up, I took a deep breath and walked off the bus. Jake was standing outside our bus about ten feet from the door. Seeing me, he smiled and then handed me what he said was an “all access pass”. 

I slid the lanyard around my neck before following the much taller man into the venue. Not sure of what to do, I just followed him to the band’s dressing room. He suddenly turned around and my fear and anxiety levels sky-rocketed. I took a few steps back afraid that I was about to reprimanded or even struck. With a soft tone he said that the band were getting changed to head to the beach and for me to stay out here until they were ready. I simply nodded since I didn’t trust my voice. He smiled warmly at me before entering their dressing room.  


 We were changing into some beach wear when Jake entered the dressing room. He looked odd as he quickly shut the door.  

“There’s something wrong with that girl.”  

“What do you mean?” Eric asked  

“Well, she was following me here after I have her the AAP. When I turned around to tell her she needed to stay out in the hallway while y’all got dressed, she took a few steps back, quit looking at me, and only nodded instead of speaking to me. It’s like the equivalent of a dog becoming suddenly afraid of being reprimanded.” Jake explained 

“Did you seriously just compare her to a dog?!” Barry exclaimed 

 “Yeah. But if you’d been there, you’d know what an accurate comparison that really is. I’m telling you, that girl has been abused in her life at some point and she’s never gotten over it.” Jake stated 

 “Are we almost ready?” Zach asked 

 He always changed the subject when it came to discussing her odd behavior and why she acted the way she did. Once we were all dressed appropriately, we exited our dressing room. Bill was handing her a bag with whatever she had asked of him. Jake was escorting us to the beach and would “be around” in case things got a bit hairy. Barry was ready, Eric was nearly ready, and all I had to do was slip into my shoes.  

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