Chapter 38: Winter photo shoot

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We finally made it back up north where it was cold, snowing, and icy. I still needed help getting around on the snow and ice since I was terrified of walking on it with my knee still in a brace. Thankfully the boys would have the show that day, the next day off where we would find somewhere to do my photo shoot, and then we'd be leaving early the next day for the next venue. I had three ideas I wanted to try with them for this shoot. Making snow angels, making snowmen, and having a snow-ball fight.

I stayed on the bus, as usual, while the band played. I worked on school assignments and put in my bare minimum for my online discussions. As I sat there, I began searching for places that would be good for doing a photoshoot in the winter mix. There was a park that had lots of open space, had lots of trees, and had a playground. It sounded perfect so I book marked it for later. The probability of others being there seemed slim. Of course, these northerners were used to the weather so there could be lots of people there. I didn't know.

We had a hotel that night which I was very thankful for. I wanted to soak in a nice hot bubble bath. The guys asked if I wanted to go out with them but I politely declined stating a hot bubble bath was calling my name. Barry laughed and told me to enjoy my time alone. I smiled at the drummer before entering my room. It was nice to have my own space and not be cramped up with a bunch of dudes. Even guys I admired.

The long, hot bubble bath eased the tension, warmed the chill from being outside, and helped me relax for my night ahead. My plan was just to order room service and watch TV. Having my dinner ordered, I sat back on my bed and began flipping through tv stations to find something decent to watch. Before I knew it, there was a knock at the door. I took my wallet and opened it up. It was my food so I paid in cash and took my dinner inside. Simple dinner of a cheeseburger and fries. Not the healthiest of meals but still very tasty.

Laying there, I began to wonder what Eric was doing. Were they having a good time? Were they happy? Sighing, I shook my head and settled further down on the bed. I turned the light off and tried to focus on the show I was watching. After a while, I began to feel sleepy. A knocking at my door pulled me out of my slumber. With a groan, I slipped out of bed and groggily opened the door. There was Eric fully dressed, freshly showered, and smiling at me.

"Want to go get breakfast?" He asked.

"I just woke up."

"This hotel has a great restaurant." He retorted.

"Ugh. Let me get dressed." I replied making him smile at me again.

I left the door cracked as I walked back to my bag and found something to wear. Hobbling into the bathroom, I thought I heard the door opening up more. It took me a few minutes to get dressed. Today I was wearing a pair of distressed jeans, black cable-knit sweater, and my black and white knee high boots. When I exited the bathroom, I found Eric and Barry lounging around my room. The bassist smile at me as I followed Barry out into the hallway.

I leaned against the back of the elevator as we made our way down to the lobby. Brent was already at a table so he waved us over. I hobbled along behind Barry with Eric walking beside me. They were all so chipper this morning and I couldn't figure out why. A carafe of coffee was already on the table along with coffee mugs so the two men poured themselves coffee. I opted for OJ instead. We had to wait for Zach and Jake to get up before we could get on with my photo shoot. I wasn't in the mood to chat during most of breakfast as I was still trying to wake up.

"Morning people! Zach will be down in a few minutes. I'd suggest everyone get ready to head out for Abrielle's photoshoot." Jake stated as we were finishing up breakfast.

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