Chapter 20: Over-hearing a conversation

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I was walking along with Sparky, Bear, and one of our lighting guys Chris. Somehow Shawn and Michael had caught up to me on the way to this bar. We were getting a very rare three days off in a row. The first night we all just wanted to go out and having drinks, maybe play pool, and just have a good time. Brent and the guys all thought it would be a great idea to go out in costume. Something silly and fun just to be goofy. They were even planning a little contest for the best costume.  

The four of us were just a little ways behind Shawn and Michael as they caught up to the female student Abrielle. I was very concerned about her especially after the “accident” on the student bus. Brent and Barry had confessed their worry about her and asked me to dig for more information on her. My contacts hadn’t gotten back to me yet but promised they were working hard on finding out everything they could about her. 

“Hey Michael, I didn’t know prostitutes worked this part of town!” Shawn exclaimed, laughing loudly 

Were they doing what I thought they were? I looked at my three companions and made the ‘shush’ motion. This was a conversation that I wanted to hear. 

“Nah man. She ain’t no prostitute.” Michael stated, “Nobody would pay for that nasty slut!” 

I had to give the girl props for keeping her mouth shut. I would have laid into their asses for talking to me that way! 

“Ah, what’s the matter little skank? Nothing to say for yourself?” Shawn taunted her 

Was that little jerk off actually taunting her?! Now I was starting to get angry! She didn’t even acknowledge their presence as she quickened her pace just a little.  

“How many of the band have you fucked already?” Michael asked 

Oh fuck no! Everyone in the crew knew the band weren’t like that. They didn’t sleep around on their wives/girlfriends.  

“We all know you have. Why else would you have moved onto the band’s bus?” Shawn exclaimed 

What the band decides is their business. Who is this little punk to spew these lies and hate?! 

“The only reason is to make it easier to be a little home-wrecking whore!” Michael added, “She’s probably way behind in her projects from all the dick sucking she’s doing!” 

I had a very hard time controlling the urge to run up and start beating the living hell out of these two punk asses! She was probably in tears already from the mean and hurtful things they were spewing at her. No wonder Zach and the band had really gotten so protective of her! 

“Maybe we should call Jonas and tell him what a slut his sister is being.” Shawn threatened 

Jonas? Hmm. I’ll have to call my contact and see what they could find out about this kid too.  

“Nah, no need to tell him what he already knows. Just let her give one of the band an STD and they’ll throw her out like the trash she really is.” Michael laughed 

We’d made it to the bar and I watched as she quickly entered the building and headed straight to the bathroom. Chris mumbled something about kids who needed to learn respect and manners. They headed to where some of the other crew were sitting while I walked around until I found where the band was sitting.  

“What’s wrong, Jake? You looked pissed!” Barry stated as I plopped down 

“Shawn and Michael. I just…. That girl…..” I stated so angry I couldn’t even put words together 

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