Chapter 19: Costume Night Out?!

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After breakfast everyone sort of split off to do their own thing. I headed to the back so I could work on my schoolwork. I was stretched out with my laptop on my lap and headphones on. Eric entered the room and shut the door. I acted like I either didn't notice or didn't care. He sat down at his laptop to record some music and do whatever he did as a producer. I was checking in with my instructors and doing my weekly discussion posts.  

I didn't understand why my fellow college students were so mean to me. I tried very hard to remember what Brent had told me the night before. I was working on other school work while trying to gather ideas for my next project. I had the song on repeat hoping that hearing it would bring me the inspiration that I needed. Opening up a new browser, I decided to search for the meaning of the song and see where that got me. Other people apparently thought it was about a person who is struggling with life and wants to put it in the past and live his life in peace.  

That sounded exactly like me. I was definitely struggling with life. There was nothing more I wanted than to put my life in the past and live in peace! Well, this was a start at least! As I was participating in my class discussions, my headphones were ripped off my head. I quickly looked up and found Eric standing there grinning at me. I unhooked the headphones from my laptop and moved so that he could sit down too.  

"You looked like you about to cry." He softly stated, "Is everything ok?" 

I shrugged silently. 

"Sweetheart, you can tell me anything. You know that, right?" He asked 

"I know." I quietly replied, "Some of my classmates are being mean. I'm fine, though, really." 

"You looked like you were about to cry. That doesn't seem fine to me. What are they saying to you?" He asked 

"We have to participate in class discussions, right? I'm trying to be useful, to be productive, ya know?" I tried to explain, "They're just.... They're being hateful in their replies. Calling me names and calling my ideas stupid and stuff." 

"Oh sweetheart, that's not right." He stated, slipping his arm around my shoulder 

"This is what I was talking to Brent about last night. They were being very mean and nasty last night too." I shrugged 

"Why are they doing that to you?" He inquired 

I sighed. This is exactly why I didn't want to open up to them. I knew they would want to know all about this shit. 

"These people have always been mean to me. I'm not sure if it's because I look like this...." I said, flipping my hair, "... or if my academic record makes me one of the top students on campus." 

"Sounds like these people are just extremely jealous." Eric retorted 

"There's nothing to be jealous of. I'm nothing special and there are several students who are much better than me." I stated, looking away from him 

"You wear your uniqueness like a shield. Anyone who looks at you, knows you're different. Unfortunately most people in 'normal society' don't appreciate or handle 'different' well. Whether or not there are other students who are more talented than you, you are still at the top.  

People who don't have that talent, or drive, to make it to the top themselves will do whatever they can to sabotage those who do. You're special and they all see it. They're afraid of what will happen if you realize it too." He stated 

I was speechless. There was not a single word that came to mind to respond to him with. Apparently nothing else was needed to be said because he squeezed my shoulder then got up to get back to his own work. I continued to work on my school work and a paper that was due in about a week & a half.

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