Chapter 33: The frozen north

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I was nervous about being back on tour with the band. Don't ask me why. I loved my new room and getting to sit out on the beach anytime I wanted. It was so relaxing to just sit there and listen to the waves crashing. It gave me a peaceful feeling. For a brief moment, my family and school life drifted away and I was happy. Until I had to stand up. My busted leg was a bitter reminder of everything.

To my dismay we'd be heading up north where it was already getting cold. I didn't like the cold! Most of my projects I had a hard time doing because of being on crutches and needing to stand up for long periods of time. My grades began to slip because of it which really put me in a funk. The guys always did their best to cheer me up but it was a losing battle. On top of how much pain I was in each time I went to a physical therapy session. The rehabilitation therapists always said how good I was doing but I never believed them, especially since I was still in a brace and still having pain.

We were up in Vermont and it was already snowing. I was still uneasy on crutches, especially with my leg in a cast and knee in a restrictive brace. There was ice on the ground in spots too. As I stood on the last step, I looked between the bus and the entrance to the restaurant. I wasn't so sure I was going to make it without falling. As I stood there debating on whether or not to try and walk it or just head back to the back lounge, Eric quickly made his way to me.

I took a step back, or as back as I could in my condition and on a step, when he sort of stepped up where I was standing. Without a word, he picked me up bridal style and cautiously stepped off the bus. Instinctively I wrapped my good arm around his neck to help steady myself. He asked Sparky to grab my crutches off the bus steps before slowly walking us towards the cozy little restaurant.

His left arm was around my waist and his right arm was under my legs in between my ass and my knees. Man he had a firm grip! I'm quite sure he didn't like carrying me with the extra weight of the brace and cast. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised I didn't blow out his back or something. I hoped he wasn't going to drop me and was still a tiny bit afraid.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna let you fall." He quietly told me

I rested my head on his shoulder. Why, I have not the faintest idea.

"Excuse us." This man, who was probably my age, rudely said as he rushed by us with his parents

Sparky opened the door, since Eric couldn't really do it himself, and held it open for Eric to walk us inside. The warmth of restaurant felt good since it was so cold and snowy outside. Sparky told the waitress we were with a big group of people who had come in a little before us. She smiled, glancing at Eric and I a few times, and said to follow her. The looks we were getting made me very self-conscious and uneasy.

"Don't pay attention to the looks. They're just jealous such a beautiful woman is being carried into the restaurant." He whispered to me

Apparently, our group was situated in the back of the place. He was slow to walk through since my one leg was in a brace and sort of extended and he didn't want to hit anyone with my leg or foot.

"You're just being nice because I'm all messed up." I retorted, looking down

He stopped in the middle of the restaurant and told me to look at him. When I did, I found myself looking into his pretty hazel eyes.

"Abrielle, you are one of the most unique, beautiful, smart, creative, talented, artistic persons I've ever met. I wish you saw you the way we see you. The artist, the creative mind, the woman who as soon as she enters a room all eyes are on her." He quietly told me, staring intently into my eyes

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