Chapter 17: Talking with Brent

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It had been about two weeks since I woke up two days after Brent caught me bleeding nearly to death. It surprised me that they left me alone. Every day they told me how much they liked having  me around or how awesome they thought I was. It was always something very positive and up-lifting. Eric hadn't asked for his pillow pet back yet so I just cuddled with it when I slept. It smelled like him and I found that I really, really liked that smell!

One night while I was checking my school email and seeing what our next project was, I decided to hop over to Facebook. I religiously did my online discussion posts and tried to be constructive. Our University had its own Facebook group so I tried to be constructive and helpful there too. All that got me was online bullying. The things people were saying to and about me were so mean and cruel! So much so that I started wanting to cut myself. It was the first time since my "accident" that I'd hurt so much to feel this way.

It was pretty late at night but they did say to come to them any time I felt this way. They did tell me it didn't matter what time night or day. There were tears in my eyes so climbed out of my bunk. Soft snores could be heard and I hated waking someone up just to talk about my petty problems. Surely they'd be mad at me for waking them up this late. Especially since they had played a very intense show just a few hours before.

"Why are you just standing there looking lost?" I heard Brent quietly stated

"I, uh...... you guys said to come to you...." I stuttered out

He got the message and quickly slipped out of his bunk. With a sleepy smile, he asked me to join him in the back lounge. I swallowed the lump in my throat and did as he asked. We got settled after he shut the door to the lounge.

"What's going on, beautiful?" He asked

I hated knowing I'd woken him up. Why I wanted to talk suddenly seemed very stupid. I guess he read my mind.

"Whatever you want to talk about is not stupid. What you're feeling is valid. We're all here to help you no matter what you need." He told me

"Um, I was checking my school email to see what my next project is supposed to be. We have to participate in class discussions a minimum number of times. I was doing that when some of my classmates got mean." I tried to explain

"Got mean? Can you explain that?" He asked, "What are you feeling right now?"

"They, uh, started sort of...I don't know how to explain it.... Started bullying me. Calling me names, that sort of thing." I stated, looking down

"So your classmates are bullying you online? How does that make you feel?" He asked me, voice still so soft and calm and now concerned

I was having a hard time keeping the tears at bay. Seeing me in tears, he pulled me into his side and draped his arm around my shoulder. We just sat there until I was able to put a voice to my thoughts.

"It hurts my feelings. It makes me think they might be right when they say I'm stupid and worthless. Fat, ugly, and forgettable." I shamefully answered

"Sweetheart, you are none of those things. You have a lot to give to the world so you are not worthless. You've shown us some of your school projects and they were incredible so you're obviously not stupid. I don't know what they're comparing you too when they say you're fat. You are a very unique individual so you are neither ugly nor forgettable. OK?" He stated, taking my left hand and giving it a light squeeze

"I guess." I muttered

"Is that why you cut yourself? Because of the online bullying?" He asked me after a minute or two of silence

"Partly. But I don't want to talk about that right now." I stated, a few rogue tears sliding down my cheeks

"Does anything ever help make you feel better? When your classmates do this stuff?" He inquired

"Listening to "Unity" and "Bully" do sometimes." I confessed, sniffling

"Why those two songs?" He asked with a smile, giving me a light squeeze

"Um, well, when I heard "Unity" for the first time it made me feel like someone out there cared about me even if they'd never met me. It made me feel like I wasn't alone. When "Bully" came out I cried. I literally cried. It gave voice to my feelings." I explained

He smiled at me, "I'm glad to hear it. Are you feeling any better?"

"I don't know. I usually cut and that eases the feelings temporarily." I answered

"So what is your next project supposed to be?" He asked

"I have to make a music video for a song that wasn't released as a single. It can be live-action or animation or combination of both and the song has to be off an actual album. I'm debating on doing it as a combo of live-action and animation." I stated

"Hmm, what song are you thinking of doing? Do you have any ideas for the video yet?" He asked

"Well, I was thinking of maybe doing 'Breaking Inside'. The assignment was just posted and I haven't had any time to think about what to do for it yet." I shrugged

"If you need a sounding board for ideas, I'm here!" He chuckled, "I don't know about you but I'm pretty sleepy. Think you can get some sleep now?"

His warm smile made me smile back. I nodded at him before he stood up. He gently pulled me up to my feet and gave me a tight hug. We quietly walked back to the bunks. He climbed into his bunk while I saved all my work and shut down my laptop. After standing up from putting my laptop in its bag, I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" I whispered

"It's alright, beautiful!" Eric replied, "Why are you still up at this ungodly hour?" He asked moving closer to me

"I...uh.... was up talking with Brent." I replied, looking down

"Oh? Is everything alright?" He whispered, moving some stray hair out of my face

He noticed the tear tracks and pulled me into a hug.

"Are you ok? You've been crying." He stated

"I'm ok now. Maybe I'll tell you about it tomorrow?" I offered

He smiled at me, "I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. Are you sleeping alright?"

"I'm sleeping pretty good." I smiled back, "The, uh, day is starting to get to me now though."

"Well I'll leave you alone to get some sleep. Good night, Abrielle." He stated before kissing my forehead

I slipped into my bunk, got settled under the covers, and snuggled with his pillow pet. To my surprise it didn't take me long to drift off to sleep.

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