Chapter 18: Bumping into one another

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After standing up from putting her laptop in its bag, she bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry!" She whispered

She was so cute!

"It's alright, beautiful!" I replied, "Why are you still up at this ungodly hour?" I asked moving closer to her

I had to make sure, physically, she was ok. My instincts to protect her were only growing since her "accident".

"I...uh.... was up talking with Brent." She replied, looking down

"Oh? Is everything alright?" I whispered, moving some stray hair out of her face

Suddenly I noticed the tear tracks and pulled her into a hug.

"Are you ok? You've been crying." I stated

"I'm ok now. Maybe I'll tell you about it tomorrow?" She offered

I smiled at her, "I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. Are you sleeping alright?"

"I'm sleeping pretty good." She smiled back, "The, uh, day is starting to get to me now though."

"Well I'll leave you alone to get some sleep. Good night, Abrielle." I stated before kissing her forehead

I slipped into my bunk, got settled under the covers, and snuggled with one of my pillows. Unfortunately it took me a long time to drift off to sleep. It didn't bother me that she had been talking to Brent. It concerned me that she was talking to him in the middle of the night because that meant she had been feeling the urge to harm herself. I tossed and turned and hoped my movement wasn't bothering her. The smell of bacon roused me from the slumber I had finally drifted off in.

Barry was awake and making scrambled eggs and bacon to go along with the French Toast he'd already made. I smiled at the drummer as I passed him to make myself a cup of black liquid gold, also known as coffee. I plopped my skinny butt down at the "kitchen table" to await breakfast. Abrielle sleepily stumbled her way to the front. I watched as she plopped down on the right couch. Her tank top raised giving me a shot of her lower belly. She was so small and petite! I wanted to run my hand over her stomach, to feel how soft her skin was.

Brent sleepily made his way out to the Keurig machine to make himself a cup of coffee. Barry said that breakfast was ready as he slid four plates onto the table. Barry sat down next to me leaving the only space next to Brent. The vocalist got up to snag his phone. She cautiously stood up and made her way to where we were sitting. She scooted his coffee mug over and switched their plates. Barry chuckled as she poured syrup over her French Toast. Brent finally returned and cocked his eyebrow at her.

"So, do you have any ideas for your next project yet?" He asked her

Apparently that was part of their conversation last night.

"Uh, kinda but nothing that's really good." She replied with a shrug

"What project?" Barry asked

I moved my right left foot and it probably seemed like I was trying to play footsies with her or something. She darted her eyes towards me and I mouthed 'sorry'. She smiled before answering the drummer

"I have to make a music video for a song that wasn't released as a single. It can be live-action, animation, or combo. It has to be off an actual album, too." She explained

"What song did you chose?" I asked

"Breaking Inside." She replied

"Hmm interesting. Why did you choose that song?" Barry asked

"I can relate to it." She simply said

The three of us just looked at one another. Whenever she let things like that slip it just broke my heart!

"Well if you need any help with it let us know." Barry smiled at her

I couldn't wait to see this project when she was done!

"I will. I gotta figure what I'm going to do first." She chuckled nervously

After breakfast everyone sort of split off to do their own thing. She was in the back working on her schoolwork. Brent was Skyping with Lyric because the boy was home sick from school. Barry was planning the next few days' meals and Zach was stretched out on the right side couch watching a movie. I opted to head to the back and lay down some ideas that had been floating around in my head. She was stretched out with her laptop on her lap and headphones on.

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