Chapter 26: Accidental Confession

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Suddenly everything hurt. I didn't remember what happened. It was a struggle to open my eyes. When I did, Bill was standing above me with a warm, hopeful smile. He waved a woman in who immediately called for someone else. It was then that I realized I was in a hospital. What the hell happened to me?

"Well hello there! How are you feeling?" This elderly gentleman in a white lab coat asked as he began looking me over

Immediately I looked over at Bill who merely smiled at me. I just shrugged not really knowing how I felt. Pain is what I felt. Numbness is what I felt. As soon as the doctor touched me, my heart rate sped up slightly. After taking my vital signs, I was told I was being taken upstairs to have some tests run. He turned to Bill and said that we'd be back within an hour or so. I was so confused as to what had happened. Bill promised to tell me everything when I got back.

The doctor had lots and lots of x-rays taken of me. He put me through the CAT scan, MRI, PET scan machines, and even did a sonogram of my whole torso and abdomen. It seemed like they were getting tests for every inch of my body which freaked me out something fierce. As much I hated being around the band because they wanted to know why I cut myself, I hated being around strangers even more. At least with the band, they would start making jokes and telling me stories to get me to laugh.

And I really missed Eric's pillow pet! Whenever the smell started to fade on it, all of a sudden it would be on my bunk in a different place than where I put it when I got up and it strongly smelled of Eric again. I think that's why I loved it so much. Eric smelled amazing. The nurses laughed softly as they wheeled me back down to my room. I think one of them gave me something because I was getting sleepy again.

"Sir, we had to give her a mild sedative. She was starting to freak out during one of the tests. She's not all the way out but she's mumbling different things." The nurse informed the grandfatherly man

"Eric smells amazing." I barely heard myself say

"Oh really?" Bill said, humor tinting his voice

"Mmm... why I like his pillow pet. . . ." I mumbled

"What do you think about Barry?" I heard Bill ask

"Love his hair... his food is amazing." I muttered with a sigh

"She's been talking about several guys after the sedative took effect. But we keep hearing the name 'Eric' most often. Do you know any of these people she's talking about?" The nurse asked as she put my IV back in my arm which made me giggle for some odd reason

"Yes, yes I do."

"Eric smells amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing." I said, drawing out the word

"So you keep saying, sweetie. Why do you think he smells amazing?" The nurse questions as she finished hooking up my monitoring machines

"He does!" I said defensively

". . . makes me feel . . ." I trailed

"Makes you feel what, Abrielle?" Bill urged

"Welcomed and loved." I inadvertently confessed

"I'm glad to hear Eric's scent makes you feel that way." Bill told me

"Zachy is funny." I stated

"Yes he is." Bill chuckled, "Barry is an amazing cook and Eric smells amazing."

"I miss them." I said as I suddenly got sad

"They miss you too, Sweetie." Bill stated as a few rogue tears slipped down my cheeks, "Shh, don't cry. You're gonna see them again really soon."

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