Chapter 14: Waking from a deep sleep

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We were all very concerned. She’d been sleeping for two days straight. We each checked on her every now and then to make sure she was still alive. Barry changed her bandaged arm as best as he could with her in her bunk. Eric was on edge. He was very anxious and nervous like. I didn’t blame him I’m sure the guys were saying the same thing about me.  

Brent and Barry were playing cards at the kitchen table while Eric and I were half-assed playing “Need for Speed” in the front lounge. Hearing a soft moan, I turned around. Abrielle was leaning against the doorway to the bunks.   

“Abrielle! How are you feeling?” Brent asked making Eric whip around  

“Uuuuuh.” She moaned 

Barry got up to help her to a seat on the right-side couch.  

“Are you hungry? You must be pretty thirsty too.” Brent stated   

Barry had gone to get the medical supplies to change her dressing. Eric quickly got up to get her a bottle of Fruit Punch Gatorade while I moved closer to her.   

“We need to change your dressings and clean the wound.” Barry explained as he sat down on her left side  

“What time is it?” She quietly asked  

“It’s 1:43. You’ve been sleeping pretty much nonstop for two days.” Eric quietly told her  

“Ugh.” She retorted  

“Can we get you anything?” I asked  

“Just…. Thirsty.” She replied 

 Eric opened the Gatorade bottle and handed it to her. I noticed her hand was shaking and it concerned me. She drank about half the bottle before putting it back down.   

“Why is her hand shaking?” Eric questioned  

“Well guys, she lost a lot of blood and has been sleeping for two days’ straight. I imagine her body is needing sustenance.” Barry replied  

“What would you like to eat?” I asked her  

She shrugged indifferently and it broke my heart. Barry told her whatever she wanted to eat we would get her. I could see the struggle in her. She did want to eat but she was afraid of asking. Eric urged her to eat with a soft tone.   

“Um, steak would be good.” She finally, and very quietly, replied  

“Steak! A woman after my own heart!” Eric laughed playfully  

“Let me look up places with good steaks and then we can hit the road.” Barry stated with a smile 


 “What time is it?” I quietly asked  

My arm hurt and I felt weak still.   

“It’s 1:43. You’ve been sleeping pretty much nonstop for two days.” Eric quietly told me  

“Ugh.” Was all I could say  

I’ve been sleeping for two days?! Holy hell! I must’ve really gone to the brink of death.  

“Can we get you anything?” Zach asked  

“Just…. Thirsty.” I replied 

Eric opened the Gatorade bottle and handed it to me. I noticed my hand was shaking and it concerned me. I wound up drinking about half the bottle before putting it back down. Damn I must be more thirsty than I realized when I woke up!  

“Why is her hand shaking?” Eric questioned  

“Well guys, she lost a lot of blood and has been sleeping for two days’ straight. I imagine her body is needing sustenance.” Barry replied  

“What would you like to eat?” Zach asked me 

 I shrugged indifferently not wanting to be a bother to them. Especially since I was staying on their bus now. Barry told me whatever I wanted to eat they would get me. I debated on what I wanted to eat with what I should ask for. It seemed stupid but I was really struggling with this. I did want to eat but was afraid of asking. Eric urged me to eat with a soft tone. He was such a caring guy!  

“Um, steak would be good.” I finally, and very quietly, replied  

I was sure they were going to put down my idea or call me stupid for wanting steak. 

 “Steak! A woman after my own heart!” Eric laughed playfully  

Eric’s laugh was quite cute!  

“Let me look up places with good steaks and then we can hit the road.” Barry stated with a smile  

He found a suitable place so I went to go get dressed. There was no way I was going to leave this bus in clothes I’d been sleeping in for two days. Not really wanting to dress up, I slid into a pair of ripped to hell jeans that I’d sewn some thick fishnet inside of for a cool effect through the holes of the jeans, a simple back tank, my black and white knee high Chucks tucking my jeans into them, and some black and white arm bands to hide the scars that were there. I ran my brush through my hair and slowly made my way up front.   

Eric and Zach helped me off the bus while Barry was sitting in a rental car. They let me sit up front so the other two quickly slid into the back seat. To my surprise, it didn’t take us long to make it to the restaurant. The four of us were seated and handed our menus. I already knew what I wanted but I glanced over the menu anyhow. Zach ordered some sort of fish or shrimp. Barry ordered a grilled chicken dish. Eric and I ordered the same thing except mine was well done while he ordered his steak medium well. We both had the salad and baked potato.   

Once we’d ordered our lunch and the waitress left us alone, they all turned to me. Eric asked how I was really doing now that I’ve woken up and was about to get something in my stomach.  

“Uh, ask when my tummy is full.” I stated, trying to be funny, “Kinda weak, really but OK I guess.”  

“Getting sustenance in you, getting more liquids in you and you should really start feeling better. Take things easy for the next couple days and you’ll be back to your wonderful self in no time!” Barry smiled at me  

“We need to talk about what happened even if you don’t want to.” Zach suddenly, and quietly, exclaimed  

This is what I didn’t want to talk about!   

“Abrielle, tell us what happened. We want to understand you, to understand what happened, what made you do that in the first place.” Eric stated, reaching over and grabbing my hand  

“We are here for you. We’re all family and we look out for one another. There are no judgments with us. You need to help us understand, help educate us.” Barry added in

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