Chapter 35: Emotionally exhausted

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"Abrielle? Sweetie, get up. Dinner's ready." I heard Brent state.

I rolled over onto my back and slowly opened my eyes. Brent was squatted down by the side of my bunk giving me a warm smile.


"Dinner's ready. You need to eat." He softly stated, "Need some help getting out of your bunk?"

"No. thanks." I stated as I swung my legs out of the bunk.

He moved so I had room to stand up. I was still unsteady on my feet even though I didn't have to use crutches. Grabbing onto the opposite side bunks, he asked if I was ok. I told him I was and that I'd just stood up too fast. He stayed behind me as I hobbled my way to the kitchen table. I quickly sat down before looking around. Catching Eric's eye, I quickly looked away. Barry set a plate down in front of me and asked what I wanted to drink. Brent brought my water bottle with him and set it next to my plate.

Eric moved to sit across from me as Brent sat to my right. Barry handed Zach a plate who stayed on the couch and then one to Bill who was sitting opposite him. Barry finally took his plate and sat next to Eric. I ate slowly, partly because I was still in pain, and partly because I loved Barry's fiesta lime chicken and wanted to savor it. He was an amazing cook, much better than my mom to be honest, and that was one thing I was going to miss when this program was over.

Each man at my table watched me eat which was kind of creepy. I ate everything and Barry asked me if I wanted more. I shook my head no, tummy very stuffed, so he said he'd keep the crockpot on warm if I wanted to get more later. Bill suggested I sit up for a while since I'd been laying down most of the afternoon. Brent scooted out of the booth so I could slowly meander to the couch next to the grandfatherly man. Brent helped Barry clean up from dinner before they all had to get ready for the VIP session.

I turned on the TV to try and find something to watch. Bill moved to the other couch to allow me to stretch out. I was leaning against the arm of the couch with my braced knee stretched out on the couch and my other leg bent. I was still in pain but it was much more manageable now than when we'd arrived back at the bus earlier. As I sat there trying to watch TV, I began to wonder what was really going to happen after I graduated. I'd need a job. I couldn't expect these guys, or even Eric solely, to support me.

How could I find work? Where would I find work? What if Eric wanted me to stay with him on the road? How could I work and be on the road at the same time? Pfft. As soon as this program is over, I'm sure the band will want me to go away and my new home will be snatched away from me. Why would Eric want me to stick around? I'm useless! I can't cook, I can't clean, I can't do anything! What about graduation? I'd have to go back to the campus for that. I wanted to walk across the stage and get my hard-earned diploma but I didn't want to see any of the other students.

I was starting to panic myself when Bill asked me if I was ok. Was I? Will I be ok? I just didn't know.

"Sweetie, talk to me. What's going on?" Bill inquired.

"I don't know what's going to happen to me after this program is over." I heard myself blurt out.

My hands flew to my mouth. I hadn't meant for that to slip out.

"Eric has said you're more than welcome to stay with him as long as you like. Even after you graduate. You have nothing to fear about where you live." Bill softly reassured me.

"What about job prospects? Where will I work?" I demanded, "What about graduation? I want my diploma but I don't want to see the other students!"

"Calm down, Abrielle. You don't have to go to your graduation if you don't want to. The school can mail it to you if you'd prefer." Bill stated, "You can work from home if you go freelance. I'm sure the boys will help spread your name to get job prospects. Tour posters, updated websites, flash videos, whatever you can do. They have a lot of band friends who could use this kind of work."

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