Chapter 9: Beach Photo Shoot!

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Jake was escorting us to the beach and would be staying close by in case we needed anything. Bill had given me a beach bag filled with the things I’d requested plus a beach blanket for me to sit on and several bottles of water. I remained quiet as we made the shortish walk down to the beach. My anxiety levels were rising again. I had to “instruct” the band on what I wanted them to do but I didn’t feel like I had the right to “order them around”.

“Whatcha want us to do?” Zach asked as soon as we’d found a good spot

“Well I don’t think I’m going to do the standard posing shots.” I started out, “Go play Frisbee and I’ll get what I need. Pay no attention to me, OK?”

“Sounds fun!” Barry smiled at me

Brent took the bright yellow Frisbee before following Barry about twenty feet from where I was sitting. Eric took his shirt off revealing the crazy abs he had from all the Insanity work-outs. Brent even took his shirt off once he had made it to where Zach and Barry were standing. With a deep breathe, I took my camera out of the bag and began snapping photos. I had to change the settings a few times to account for people moving. The more I photographed these four, the more I realized just how attractive Eric was!

I was checking my pictures every few minutes to make sure they weren’t coming out blurry or anything. My eyes kept sweeping back over to Eric. These four men were making me smile as they played Frisbee. After a while, I walked over and said the next thing I wanted them to do was playing volleyball. Brent grinned at me and said this was probably the funnest photo shoot they had ever done. I looked down and smiled shyly.

There was a volleyball net not too far from their current location. Barry was the first to serve so I got a good shot of him jumping up in the air about to hit the ball. As they were playing, I was running around getting as many shots as I possibly could. All I could do was pray that my photos were going to come out alright! As I took photograph after photograph, I couldn’t help but notice how sweaty they all were. Especially Eric. And how those beads of sweat just slowly rolled southward.

Woah! Where did those thoughts come from? Shaking my head, I took a few more photos before saying I was done with the volleyball. We walked back to our space on the beach where I handed out bottles of water.

“What now, oh Mistress of the Photographs?” Zach asked

“I want you all to make Sandcastles. Either pair off or each one of do your own.” I explained

Man I hate telling them what to do.

“Ooooh sandcastles are fun to do!” Brent stated with a wide grin

“How about me and Eric versus Brent and Zach?” Barry offered

“However you want to pair up.” I replied quietly

They paired off the way Barry suggested. I walked around and photographed each man and both groups from all sorts of angles. These guys were having a great time and it was definitely infections. I got some really great angles of them. Especially of Eric. It wasn’t intentional either. He was just so photogenic!! Once their sandcastles were done, I got a good photo of what they’d just created. I was really nervous at what I wanted to ask next.

“Anything else you got for us?” Barry questioned

“Well…. There is one thing I’d like to do….” I trailed

“What’s that?” Eric asked, flashing me a warm grin

“Uh, bury each other in the sand?” I sort of questioned

Zach burst out laughing which made me really nervous. I took a step back and looked down.

“Oh my God that would be so fucking funny to see in picture!” Zach exclaimed when his laughter died down

“Who wants to go first?” Brent questioned his band mates

“Me! Me! MEEEEEEE!” Zach stated, jumping up and down in excitement

“Well I guess we’ll be burying Zach first!” Barry laughed

By this point, all four guys were shirtless. Barry, Eric, and Brent started digging a hole for Zach to lay in. They were working together which was really awesome to photograph. They wound up burying Zach to his neck where all that was visible was his head. It made me giggle! They started posing with him in very odd and humorous ways which of course I got all on film! Brent was next to be buried. It wasn’t as bad since they just had to move the sand off Zach. One by one they were each “buried in the sand”. Oh yeah, this was going to be a great photo shoot! I think I’ve gotten all the shots I need so I said we could wrap this up.

“That was really the most fun we’ve ever had doing photo shoots.” Barry told me as we walked back to the venue

“Uh, thanks.” I quietly replied

“You guys have interviews to get to in about….. ten minutes.” Jake stated

I still had my pass so I opted to go get my laptop and put up my camera bag. I took the card out so I could upload all the photos I’d just taken to my Photobucket account. I was sitting in the front lounge at the dinner table checking emails when Shawn boarded the bus. He just looked at me then called me a worthless slut. It stung, even if it wasn’t true, and I quickly looked back to my laptop.

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