Chapter 24: Uncovered

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The paramedics told me to talk to her and to try and keep her conscious. I did my best as I took her hand in mine. It really freaked me out when she coded in the ambulance. Her heart completely stopped and it terrified me. They were able to get her heart started again but I was really worried. Her pulse was weak. I remained still as I gently talked into her ear. Her pained moans were absolutely heartbreaking, not to mention very terrifying. We finally arrived at the hospital where she was rushed in. I gave all the information I could to the nurse who reassured me they were going to do everything they could for her.

I was pacing in the waiting room when a nurse came out to talk to me. She explained that they were rushing Abrielle into surgery. One of her ribs had fractured, puncturing her right lung. She also had some internal bleeding that they needed to find and fix. There were other injuries but the doctor would tell me everything when he came out to talk to me. She was in critical condition. I asked her to keep me informed on Abrielle.

Punctured lung? That wasn't good! She was going to be in the hospital for a while. I hated the idea. I hated knowing she was going to be away from us for an undetermined amount of time. With her fragile state of mind already, this was going to definitely set her back. I called Lori to let her know what happened and to see if she had any advice on how to proceed with the fragile young woman. There wasn't much she could tell me that she had already said. It would be even more important now to let her know that she was indeed loved, wanted, and that the events weren't her fault.

I had started pacing the room again as I talked to my wife. She admitted that she was concerned about the girl once she really started thinking about what we've told her. Obviously she's been abused her whole life, according to my wife, and that psychologically speaking it could take years to undo the damage. I explained how Eric & Zach were towards her which made my wife giggle slightly. We all knew why Zach had taken to her so much. Lori thought that it sounded like Eric was attracted to the girl despite what she was going through. She finally had to let me go so she could give our daughter a bath and get them both ready for bed. I bid my girls a good night before hanging up.

I was still pacing when the rest of the band, Jake, and Bill arrived. I was bombarded with questions. Questions that I honestly couldn't answer.

"The nurse came out a little while ago and said she was being rushed into surgery. One of her ribs fractured puncturing her right lung which they were also going to try and fix. That's all I know right now." I explained

"Do they seem optimistic?" Zach asked

"I don't know. She didn't say one way or another." I retorted

Eric looked like he was about to turn into the Incredible Hulk and go destroy everything in his path. Brent was in tears and Zach was on the phone with his wife. I didn't blame him in the slightest. After what we witnessed, I would be on the phone with my wife too. Bill and Jake were standing off the side talking quietly amongst themselves. An hour after they all arrived, Bill suggested everyone head back to the hotel to get some rest. None of us were leaving.

"She needs us, Bill. She needs people here who love and care for her." Brent immediately retorted

"I agree with Brent. I'm not going anywhere." Eric added in

His voice was much lower than usual. He was really, really angry! Bill smiled warmly at us and said he wasn't pressuring us to leave. If we wanted to shower or get a nap we all had rooms available. Our luggage was in our hotel rooms and if we wanted our laundry done, he'd arrange it for us.

"Oh! Barry, we brought you a clean set of clothes." Brent finally said as he handed me a small-ish bag

"Thanks. I should probably go clean up." I replied

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