Chapter 31: Long talks 2

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Eric brought up photos of his house, from his Facebook app on her phone, to show me. Our hands briefly touched as I took his phone from him. My heart sped up ever so slightly. As I scrolled through the photos, I couldn't help but and smile shyly every so often.

"Oh. This is the suite you'll have. When we get some time off, we can go and redecorate your room to your liking. The kitchen is huge. I don't know if you like cooking or not. I'm a decent cook so we won't starve." Eric said, laughing slightly, as I got to one bedroom

His joke made me giggle. The room was gorgeous already. And it was probably three times the size of my room at home!

"I.....uh..... don't really.....know how... to cook." I confessed, looking away from him

I was ashamed of the fact that I couldn't cook. Honestly, I couldn't really do much of anything.

"Eric's a good cook, don't let his modesty fool ya." Barry piped in

I looked over at the dreadlocked drummer and smiled shyly at him.

"Ok, I know we've given you a lot of information. We need to get the ball rolling as soon as possible. Is this all ok with you, Abrielle? Are you really ok with us trying to help you severe ties with your entire family?" Jake questioned making me look up at the group.

Sincerity, concern, and something else were all staring back at me. My family would kill me in my current state. Who knows if I'll have any lingering effects from this. If I do, my family will torture me, I'm sure of it. Could I truly get away from them? Glancing over at Eric, who was biting on his lip ring, I couldn't help but wonder what living with the man would be like. Seeing him everyday sure made it a tough decision but I felt my head nodding yes. A collective sigh of relief swept the room.

"Ok, I'll get to downloading the right applications so we can get your social security. Bill, will you help her get online to get a copy of her birth certificate?" Jake stated.

"Not at all. Where's your laptop at?" Bill smiled at me.

"In my bunk." I quietly stated.

Was this the right decision? Hell, would my family even let me leave? Could I get over years of abuse my family has put me through? What would living with Eric actually be like? He said he could cook. What all would I be expected to do around the house? His house was much nicer than mine. Would I be able to make use of that gorgeous pool in his backyard? I sighed as I sat there and awaited Bill.

"Here we go. Let me pull up the website. I'll help you through the online application, ok?" Bill stated.

"Thanks." I quietly retorted as the band sat at the kitchen table talking quietly amongst themselves.

He helped me go through the application process. I inserted the information as needed. Bill asked for Barry's address so it could be mailed directly to the house. He spoke slowly so I could type it in. Bill thanked him while I gave him a shy smile. Bill paid for the document making me whisper a thanks at him. Jake boarded the bus with several papers in his hands.

"These are what you need to fill out for a replacement social security card. Fill it out and on the next day off, I'll take you to the office to hopefully get a new one sent to Barry's place. If he'll write down the address for me." Jake stated as he handed me the papers.

"Of course." Barry quickly replied as Bill handed me a pen.

I was busy filling out the paperwork, I didn't notice Eric just watching me. My knee started hurting but I didn't want to say anything. It was my fault, I should have picked the more conservative outfit instead of going out like a slut.

"Oh! Would you like to change your name? It might make it harder for your family to track you down that way." Jake stated.

"But I like my name." I pouted.

Eric just stared at, Barry nodded, Zach was on his phone, and Brent just smiled at me.

"Ok, ok. You don't have to change your first name but honestly...I'd put in for a petition for a name change." Jake suggested.

"How do I do that?" I inquired.

"It's pretty easy. We'll need the documents we're sending off for, a photo id, a petition for a name change, and an order for cause for a name change. You'll get those at the courthouse. Of course, there's paying the fee as well." Jake stated.

"I can pay for that if you want to change your name." Eric quickly piped up.

"Ok." I simply said and I swear I saw Jake relax a little more.

"We'll work on the name change once we have all these other documents in our hands, ok?" Jake stated making me nod my head at him.

"If she's changing her name, she'll need to show her birth certificate and driver's license. She should get the license first after the name change. Then go get the social security card." Bill stated.

"We can do all that when we get back to Charleston." Eric stated.

"Alright, with this out of the way, it's about time for another round of meds. How are you feeling?" Bill asked me.

"My knee is hurting." I quietly stated.

"Well, let's get a pain pill in you. Then you can go lay down." Bill suggested as Barry brought my meds over.

I still had half a glass of OJ left from breakfast. They all watched me take my pills before Bill helped me up off the couch. I hobbled to the back lounge with Bill making sure I didn't fall as I did. Carefully sitting on my bunk, I eased myself onto my back. The grandfatherly man told me to get some rest before shutting my curtain. With the pain pill, it didn't take me long to get sleepy.

My mind began racing. My leg was broken in three separate places, my face was still bruised although thankfully they were fading, and all the lacerations and cuts were still there and healing up decently. As I laid there, I began to think over my life. What was the point of going back home? After this program, I'd almost be done with school anyway. It'll take me time to find a job and even more time to find a place of my own. Will my family let me? Could I ever get out of that hellhole all by myself?

Probably not. Who would my family abuse if I weren't there? No, moving somewhere else is the best decision for me. I can make a fresh start with a new name. I can be someone else, not this pathetic loser who's picked on all the time. I can be this confident, college graduate who's very good with graphic art and design. I'll find a great job and start making my own money that I can do with however I please.

I fell asleep despite the racing mind. When I woke up, I discovered I was alone on the bus. It took me a minute to hobble to the bathroom. No one prepared me for trying to use the bathroom with my leg in a cast and my knee in a brace! After I was done, I opened the door and tripped. I landed face-first into someone so I mumbled a hasty apology. He kept his arms around so I eventually looked up and discovered Eric had caught me.

"Easy there, beautiful. Don't want you aggravating that knee." He spoke softly to me.

Did he just call me 'beautiful'?

"Sorry for running into you." I looked away quickly.

He tipped my chin up so we were looking at one another.

"No need to apologize. Need help getting somewhere?" He kept his voice calm and soft.

Almost soothing.

"Maybe the couch?" I asked.

He smiled at me as he moved so his arm was around my waist. I was grateful he helped me to the couch because I was already getting winded. Of course, the nurse told me to expect to get winded easily until my lung fully healed. I thanked him for his help again making him smile at me. He grabbed himself a bottle of water before handing me the remote to the TV and DVD player. I got "Criminal Minds" going and laid back to rest. I had schoolwork to do but I just couldn't be bothered at the moment.

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