Chapter 22: The Unthinkable

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Brent wanted to dance and, just like with Eric, I was very reluctant. I didn't fight as hard with Brent. Not with the whole band and Jake sitting there. Brent was a very pleasant person, as they all were really, and did his best to make me feel wanted and beautiful. The gesture wasn't lost on me even if I didn't really believe him. After a while I was getting tired. After telling the band and Jake that I was heading back to the hotel and thanking them for a wonderful evening, each one of them pulled me into a tight hug.

I was walking, cautiously but quickly if that was possible, back to the hotel. It was my fault for assuming Michael and Shawn were still at the bar. There was a spot where you had to step down. It was a bit of a steep step. As I took my step, I suddenly felt myself being shoved. It all happened so fast I wasn't sure why I did what I did or really how it happened. Somehow I turned as I fell. When I landed, I screamed out in pain. My right leg was burning and there was intense pain. I felt myself being yanked up by my hair. The pain was almost unbearable as it was.

There was Shawn and Michael standing before me! Shawn shoved me back down on the ground where I scraped the hell out of the back of my left arm. Once again I screamed out in pain. They were spitting on me and Michael kicked me hard in the side of my right knee. That just set my leg on fire if that was even possible! I was crying by this point and trying to protect myself from their attacks. They pulled me up off the ground again making me really worry this time. Each one got a hold of me and before I knew what was happening, they literally threw me in front of a moving truck.

Everything suddenly went into slow-motion. I might have heard the sound of screeching tires but honestly I wasn't sure. Feeling myself bouncing off the vehicle was a very odd sensation too! When I hit the ground I rolled for I don't know how long before stopping. The wind had been knocked out of me. My whole body hurt. I wasn't even sure I was able to cry. Suddenly I was pulled up off the ground. I screamed out in pain as I was pulled up.

"It's OK, Abrielle. I've got you." I heard Jake stated

"What..... are you...... doing..... here?" I stuttered as I was trying to keep myself from slipping into unconsciousness

"We decided to call it a night too. We came upon...... you." Jake stated as he began quickly walking, "Let's get you back to the hotel so I can check you out and see how bad your injuries are."

Jake and I slipped into silence. I could faintly hear the rest of the guys behind us. Things were starting to go dark. Was this how I was going to leave the world? Unloved, even hated, and uncared for?

"Bill! Get the two boys off this tour. They just attacked Abrielle for no reason!" Brent angrily stated

I groaned in pain making Jake speed up his walking, if that was even possible. He assured me that I was going to be fine. I wasn't so sure. As a matter of fact I was pretty sure I was going to die. I guess I'd passed out because when I opened my eyes again I was laying on a loveseat in the hotel lobby. The whole band were around me along with Jake, Bill, and some dude I didn't recognize.

"Sweetheart, there's an ambulance coming for you. Barry's going to go to the hospital with you." Jake softly told me

"Shawn and Michael have been removed from the tour. I've also told the school we will not accept any more students with us." Bill informed me

I tried to sit up but the pain started shooting through me.

"Easy there. Stay laying down." Barry said, giving me a warm smile


A few minutes after Abrielle left, we decided to head back to. It took us a little while to pay our tab. We all figured she'd made it back to the hotel. How wrong we were! We walked up on Shawn and Michael and they were harassing poor Abrielle. They pulled her up off the ground making most of us look on in utter shock! Each one got a hold of her and before any of us could stop them, they literally threw her in front of an oncoming truck.

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