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Chapter Song: Make Out by Rixton

Chapter Song: Make Out by Rixton

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Friday, 5 July 2019


"There they are!"

Niall's boisterous voice echoes throughout the pub, causing strangers to glance in his direction. My cheeks redden at his complete lack of indoor volume manners as Harry pushes me with a light touch to my lower back, sending me forward towards the table Niall and Ruby are sat at. Ruby, too, looks embarrassed by her boyfriend, swatting and shushing him as we approach them.

"Must you be so loud?" I jest, sliding into the bench across from the couple. Niall doesn't look the least bit fazed by my question, simply shrugging his shoulders before shaking hands with Harry.

"Welcome back to civilization, you two."

"We were in a lush cabin in Cumbria, not the middle of a forest in Sweden." Harry points out, "In fact, you were the one who suggested it from prior experience, you know just as well we weren't in the middle of the boonies."

I smile up at Harry as Niall retorts back with something silly, Ruby snickering at the two from behind her pint of what appears to be Guinness. Yet another reason why those two are a match made in heaven, they're both suckers for Guinness.

Harry leans over, asking if I want a drink right away, to which I answer an astounding yes. My fiancé smiles over at me, not bothering to ask for my order as he's probably had it memorized for the last few years, and presses a quick kiss to my cheek. He's been overly affectionate since our return this past Monday. I'm not complaining though, I feel like our time together really sparked the magic between us all over again.

Harry and Niall stand from the table and make their way over to the bar, Ruby and I left alone in the corner booth.

"So," She draws out, following my gaze towards Harry's figure leaning against the wooden bartop. I can't help my eyes from unapologetically staring down his perfect bum. It just looks so good in the blue denim and striped shirt he picked out, I can't help but stare. "How was it, Anna?" Ruby asks, tapping my hand, which's resting on the tabletop, with her pointer finger. Her physical touch pulls me from the trance I'm in, cheeks blushing at having been caught. I'm like a hormonal teenage fawning over a boyband member all over again.

"It was great. Amazing really." Ruby eggs me to go on, clearly wanting all of the juicy details, of which I'm not sure I'm going to give away or not. "The cabin was just spectacular and we had loads of fun together. It was nice not having plans or distractions; just getting out of the city was well worth it."

"What'd you two get up to?"

"Uh, a little bit of this and a little bit of that." I'm coy with my answer, to which Ruby tsks at me, sitting back in her seat with her arms crossed. "What?"

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