Premier pt 1

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Toms POV:
It's happening. It's today. The premier.

God it's 5:00 in the morning and Z woke me up with a excited Flavio on the other end of the phone. "Tommy! Glad to see you have woken up! You need to come quick as the hair and makeup team needs to get you ready so you can look beautiful!"
"-ok" I paused, trying to wake myself up "how long do I have?"
"Half an hour." Flavio said, with no hesitation.
"HALF AN HOUR! BLUDDY HELL!" I scramble out of bed reaching for my clothes, "see you in a bit Flavio!" I say in a rush, "bye!
Z hangs up the phone and I scramble about once more. I trip.
"Shhhh you idiot, Alex is asleep"
"Ohh shit."

I slintley stand up and can hear the beginnings of a cry coming from the other room. "Look what you've done now"
I pull my trousers up and pull on a shirt, I walk out of our bedroom and past Z and see she has already made breakfast. "Wow, this looks amazing babe."
"I know." She says, and we both laugh.
I sit down and eat. Z enters with Alex cradled in her arms. She looks adorable.
I can't control my smile, as I look at her, she's the spitting image of Z with her dark hair and cute face. I take Alex off Z and hold her, "Babe remember you have to get ready?!
"Oh shit!" I jump up and quickly brush my teeth. Running into the bathroom i lightly brush my hair, knowing that the hair and makei=up team, and probably Flavio, will get me properley ready before i go on the red carpet. "Z, when are you coming to get ready? And what happened to our moms?" I pause for a moment, realsiing i forgot about my mum. "Z?"

Zendaya s POV:
God its so early. Unlike Tom im actually prepared. I got up and made sure alex was ok. But i couldnt seem to find my mum and Toms mum. Theyd dissapeared. The phone rang. I quickly grabbed the phone so Alex wouldnt wake up and the excited voice on Flavio on the other end made me smile. "Tom, Tom wake up." I nudged him awake he looked so cute, shirtless laying in bed. I am so lucky.
Tom woke up, his eyes barely opening, aw he look so cute, i hear a faint ry from Alex. Jeez, does this kid ever sleep? "Tom babe, theres a phone call for you." I watch Tom pick up the phone and speak to Flavio. "Ill make you some brekafast." I walk out of the bedroomand make Tom breakfast. "Dinner is erved your majesty," i say as he enters from the bedroom. "Awww, thanks so much Z." Tom sits down and eats, and says hello to Alex, "Z, when are you coming to the studo to get ready?' Tom says "Adter i found out where our moms are, i need them to take care of Alex whilst weer gone." As if on que my phone starts to buzz. "Mom! Where are you?" Just coming to the pent house darling, see you in a min" i put the phone down, "I was supposed to go into the studio at 7:00 but i guess i can come in now?"
"Sure. Be nice to have a little bit of alone time!" I laugh, "yes, your quite right."

Half and hour later

There it is. The billboard. Me and Tom are walking to the studio and the big billboard displayed near our penthouse shows Toms face as well as my face and Jacobs face is plastered on the side of a building. It seems surreal. Carrying on with our walk to the studio, i took a breath of fresh air in. Feeling the cold press against my lungs and calming me. I looked at Tom. "Are you nervous?" I ask, " yes. Are you?" Tom looks me in the eyes, "a bit, but mostly excited." Tom laughs. "What are you laughing at?" He seems to be looking elsewhere, "guess where that is." He points over to a cafe and i immediately recognise it. Its the cafe me and Tom first met in. "Awww, memories. Its were this all started."
" I know, time has gone so fast."

We carry on walking until we arrive at the studio, the car park was jam packed and i started to get a nervous feeling in my stomach. "Now let the next 4hrs of hell begin." We both laugh, and enter the studio......

Toms POV:
"Quick, everyone, no slacking , todays the big day you have been preparing for." Flavio's loud voice cut across the bustle in the studio, each actor and actress have there own makeup and hair station so i was separated from Z but i knew she was still close. "Ahhh, Tom good to see you! Quick go get your makeup done and we can practise what your going to say in interviews." I nod and follow Flavio into a station where i sat down and was met by hairdresser and makeup artist. Time to get ready.....

4hrs later......

God, that took a long time. Going out into the fresh air felt amazing, but i had to be careful or i think Flavio would kill me if i mess up my hair and makeup. I wonder where Z is? "Tom!" I turn around and i see her. Z. Shes in a baby blue dress which goes down just below her knees and its tight showing all her curves. My mouth drops. "Do you like it?"
"OMG Z I LOVE IT!"  I run to her and give her a kiss trying to be careful of her hair, "you look amazing as well Tom!" They had dressed me in a black suit, which gave me men in black vibes, and a dark red tie, "thank you babe, now shall we go to this premier?" I look at Z, and she looks at me, "Lets do this, together."

Ooooo, thank you guys for reading! I hope you like this part and if this does well i will defo keep you updated and write more parts! 2020 was a very hard year for us all and hopefully this year is better for everyone! ❤️

TomdayaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora