Venturing out

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Hi! Sorry the delay, it's recently been my birthday and now I've got a better device to write on! Hope you enjoy it! Will be more on it in posting new parts......
Toms POV:

We walked timidly, along the reception area. Where we were greeted by a group of girls staring at a phone. "Excuse me." I said trying to stay close to Zendaya whilst dodging the girls. "OMG!!! Can we take a picture?" I could feel Zendaya squeeze my hand as she replied: "Of course!" There faces exploded, with excitement. "Great!" We all gathered around a tiny phone. Snap!!! "Thank you sooooo much!" The girls waddled off in a tight huddle. I could hear there voices "OMG WE JUST MET A CELEBRITY!" I laughed and so did Zendaya. It felt weird to be classed as a celebrity. "So,where do you want to go?" Zendaya turned to face me. "I don't know...." then it clicked "holy shit!!! I have an audition today!"
"What for?!" She asked back her face showing alarm.
"For an upcoming movie. I don't know what time it is though." I pull out my phone and scroll through my reminders. There it is, 12:00pm, "oh I know now, it's on at 12." I breathed a sigh of relief, thank god I didn't forget. That would of been bad. "Where is it?"
"I think it's around the street." We walked out of the penthouses reception and into the daylight. For once there was no people, cameras. It was great. For once I felt normal, but, I was with a person. A friend. My girlfriend....

Zendayas POV:
I wonder what Toms audition is for? Do you think I could tag along with it? Maybe my acting career could start today? Toms voice woke me up from my thoughts "I think we are here." We walked into a big warehouse were there was a few studio lights and a table, "hello?" I called "hello!!! Are you Tom Holland?" A flash man in a tweed suit appeared put of nowhere. "No, I am." I was startled at first until I realised it wasn't me speaking, it was Tom.

"Ahhhh, so I'm guessing you are here for the MJ role? Great! Follow me." I looked at Tom confused as we followed this strange man who looked like he had just came out of a Stan Lee book. "Ummm, if you don't mind me asking, what is this audition for?"
"OHHHH YOU WILL FIND OUT SOON...." I was given a script, with a flamboyant manner, and asked to look over it whilst I wait for Tom to finish his audition. "Zendaya." A voice woke me up from the trance of the script.
"Yes? Who is it?" Tom emerged "how was the audition?"
"It went pretty well, they still didn't tell me what the audition was for." I had to admit it I was feeling a bit nervous, it was my first audition for a big movie, or whatever it was, and I could land a part!

"Zendaya!!!" The mans flamboyant voice suddenly called me in, ok Zendaya you've got this......

Toms POV
"So.... you are Tom Holland?"
"Yes." I was standing in front of two people, the crazy man and a woman who didn't seem to speak.
"Ok, there is your script, and action!" It was all a blur. I think I did alright. I'm not sure, they had asked me to act a script and do some random action-movie shit.

"Thank you." I walked out of the room, my hands still shaking. Zendaya stood up. It was ironic, how she wanted to pursue her acting career, and by accident she is given a chance. "Good luck. You will do great." I watched her walk in slowly but confidently. Then, I waited.....

Zendayas POV:
I nodded at the judges, of course it had to be the creepy dude. Great. "Please state your name."
"Ok, and age." Jeez why did they need to know that much!
"20 years old." They leaned over the table and passed me a script, it was small but the lines were in big paragraphs.
"Ok, go." I spoke my lines with as much enthusiasm as I could. But, as much as I tried the judges faces didn't change one bit. Yay.

"Zendaya, do you know why we chose you for this part?" Oh no, how am I supposed to answer this? "Ummmm."
"We know you didn't sign up for MJ we chose you because we saw independence and positivity. Exactly what MJ is about." When he said that, in his normal tone, I was blown away. His voice sounded normal! Plus the fact he just complemented me. "Ok, thank you." I said shyly I started to leave the room but was called back. "Zendaya?" I turned around "by the way, you got the part. Oh and the movie, it's Spider-Man. And Toms playing him."
Heyyy Guys! Hope you liked the new part! I definitely do! See you for the next part! Thx ❤️🌈👋🏻

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