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Zendaya POV:
I got to leave set early due to my scenes finishing. I walked down the boulevard and towards the plaza, head held high.

I was so happy, I had finished the movie. Tom had nearly finished all his scenes to! Nearing the apartment building I quickened my pace, eager to see Alex and my mum.

I said hello to the receptionist and called the elevator. Ding! I had arrived. "Hi mum!" I called, I could hear a giggle coming from Alex's room so I walked through to find her blabbering away to one of her teddies me and Tom got her. "Hi sweetie. Your back early! I thought you weren't fin fishing till late?" A smile appeared on my face, as I said: "I've finished!" My mum jumped up and hugged me, a smile on her face as well. "That's brilliant!" She exclaimed. "What about Tom?!"

I explained to her about how he will be finished today aswell but not till late. My attention turned to Alex as she started reaching towards me. "Hello, darling. How are you?" A big smile beamed one her face like she could understand me, and her big brown eyes gazed up at me, making me smile uncontrollably. "Has she been good?" I asked my mum. "Yes, she has. But, she drank some coffee I left on the coffee table in the living room and she went a little bit hyper..." I laughed, "I wish I was there to witness that! It would of been hilarious!"

Just as I said that, the door opens and a voice called out: "Hey, I'm back!" A rustle of shopping bags was replaced by the clicking of heels on the floor. "Hi Nicola!" I called, "how are you?"
"Good." She replied "I just went out to Target and got some food for tonight. Where's Tom?" "He's still shooting. I finished all my scenes."
"That's great!" Nicola embraces me with a hug and I relaxed and realised where Tom got his kindness from.

Toms POV:
One more scene to go. I breathed deeply, trying not to suffocate in my tight, Lycra Spider-Man suit which restricted pretty much everything I did. "Tom, my little newborn baby. It's time for your last scene." The day so far has been mostly nice and relaxing, and seeing Zendayas face as she realised she had finished filming was priceless. "Ok."I replied and walked up to the set.

1hour later....

Walking out of filming was like a breath of fresh air. I couldn't believe that me and the love of my life had finished the movie. I was ecstatic, and I also was super excited about spending time with my mum and baby girl.

"Hello!" I called cheerful as ever. "I'm backkk!" I looked ahead and saw Zendaya and my mom playing with Alex, I could see My Little Pony's all over the carpet. I took a personal favourite to Rainbow Dash. "Tom!" Zendaya called running up to me and embracing me. I kissed her on the cheek and caught a glimpse of my mum staring at us longingly. "Hi mum! How are you?"
"Congratulations!" She shouted "my baby boy has finished his first movie! And I can sense it will be a worldwide sensation!" I cringed at that, but laughed at her enthusiasm for me and Z.

"Mmmm, something smells good." I had caught a waft of the food cooking in the kitchen and my mouth watered just smelling it. "My mums cooking it." said Z. "She's an amazing cook." I walked into the kitchen and the smell of minced meat and spices frying made me even more hungry. "This smells amazing! You don't have to cook Claire."
"It's fine, anything for my Son in law." She winked at me. I could feel myself going red.

Claire started parking the food and packing the meat into the taco shells. We all gathered around the table and, we all tucked in. Alex included. She was munching away at a piece of meat and some tomatoes.

I cleared my throat and stood up. "Oooo Tom has an announcement!" My mum joked. I smiled and said: "well as you all know me and Z have finished filming the movie. Well, I don't know if Zendaya has told you this Mum or Claire, but obviously there is going to be a premier, and it is going to be in a weeks time." My mum jumped up and hugged me and so did Claire, pulling Zendaya in for a group hug. Alex started to whine so Zendaya picked her up and she joined in as well.

Hey guys! Literally forgot about this fan fic as I have had a lot of things happening at once. Happy New year! One of my goals is to write more so hopefully I will be keeping up on this more. Thank you for reading it! ❤️🌈

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