A Day Out

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Toms POV:
"Honey we are home!" My mum cooed as she walked in with Alex blabbering in her arms. "How was the movie?"

I had just finished breakfast, whilst Z was still getting changed. "Coming!" I shouted, walking past the kitchen area and into the hallway. Alex's little face burst out into a bright smile, she had started teething so her gummy teeth made her look adorable, her arms stretched out towards me so I took her off my mum and cradled her close to my chest. "How was your little movie premier Tom?" I laughed, "really good thanks, it seemed that everyone loved it, we even got a standing ovation."
"You mean, YOU got a standing ovation," Z said as she appeared from the bedroom.

Z was dressed in her casual attire, joggers and hoodie, but even that was gorgeous. They were perfectly matched and looked like it had been made by  a designer brand , even though I knew the hoodie was from Target.

"They were clapping for you aswell Z, you were and are amazing." I walk towards her and kissed her on the lips, the same urge to just spend hours in bed with her lingered, but Alex's excited screaming  interrupted my thoughts. "How was your day out with your Aunties, Alex?" I cooed. Alex responded with a high pitched gargle, which I took for contentment. "Very good!"

I passed Alex over to Z, watching the two loves of my life's giggle and play together made me burst with joy. Everything was perfect.

"Come on then little missy, let's get you changed." Z said, taking Alex into her room. Zendaya always took pride in choosing our Alex's wardrobe. Making sure they all matched and looked stylish, whereas I just threw some shirts and trousers (pants) on her and off we went.

I plopped down on the sofa, and started scrolling through my social media. I began answering my emails and messages. Ive gotten used to emails from different company's asking for interviews since we started to film the movie, and I think that me and Z's parents have aswell.

At least everyday, when we have to go to work, Alex is taken out for the day by my mum or by Claire (Zendayas mum.)  and I'm starting to feel like she may become more attached to them then us.
Today, me and Z had decided to have one day with Alex, with no work involved. We were going to go to the local park: play on the swings and go for a walk and stop off in the cafe that me and Z first met in. I still cringe thinking about that.

"Here comes the princess." Z announced, carrying in Alex who was dressed in a pastel pink top with denim dungarees on. I smiled, she looked adorable. "Ready to go?" I asked, me and Zendaya had planned to go for a more off-key look. We were both dressed in baggy clothing that we would cover with hats, we didn't want Alex to be swarmed with paparazzi or fans at such a young age. "Ready." And responded, grabbing the pushchair, in preparation for our adventure.

As we left the penthouse reception, I felt a bit nervous. What if people noticed us? How will Alex react around all those people? I made sure I had my cap on and swallowed my doubts and carried on towards the park.

15 mins later.....

"Wheeeeee!" I shouted, pushing Alex on the swing. Z was standing in front of her taking pictures. Luckily, the park was quiet today, not many parents or children, and luckily no teenagers to spot us. Alex let out a delighted squeal, letting us know that she was enjoying it. I saw a group of people hovering over by the slide, but I ignored it. Not knowing what was about to happen.

"Shall we go for a walk?" Z inquired, lifting Alex out of the swing seat. "Yes,let's."
We began walking out of the park into the more wooded area, mine and Zendayas favourite part to walk in. The lush forest hid us from anyone else and Alex loved seeing all the leaves and sticks as well as the occasional bird that flew past.

Just as we were about to enter the forest, a young boy ran up to me, holding a phone. "Hi! I'm a big fan of your movies! Please can I have a photo?!" As there was only one of them I obliged. After taking the photo the boy ran off and we carried on. So I wished.

We turned into the woods and I could hear the boy once again. But he wasn't alone. A swarm of fans were following behind him with there phones out shouting our names. I took a shaky breath.

Zendayas POV:
I could feel fear bubbling up inside of me. We had no security guards with us. We were with Alex, what were we going to do? "Tom, what do we do?" I asked him quietly. "I don't know." He replied. Oh shit.

Before I knew it we were surrounded from all angles by fans wanting a picture and us to sign there clothes and bags. My throat was beginning to close up and I could feel my palms getting sweaty as I grasped Alex's pushchair tightly. No, not now, please not now.

Tom seemed to remain calm through most of the event, quickly signing fans merchandise and ushering them off,i however was not. My shaky hands meant that I couldn't sign fans things properly making it drag on, and I had to check Alex to make sure she was ok.

I think the commotion got to Alex as she began to cry in a distressed way. No, not now, I reached for Alex and fans started to close in. Picking her up I jiggled her about to get her to stop, she just cried harder. I could feel my body becoming tense and I wanted to shrink away. I began to cry.

I tried to grasp for more air but nothing was coming. I waded through the crowd and disappeared into the forest, thankfully the fans didn't follow but I could see them standing there in shock.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Just a little something to carry on from the previous chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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