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Toms POV:
We walked out. Boom. We were swarmed. There was cameras flashing and people trying to grab us. It was hell. One girl even shouted "TOMDAYA!!!" And squealed. Which I pulled a face at. What's that supposed to stand for?

We finally managed to push ourselves through the crowd. Eventually, we emerged from the hoard and walked along the street where strangers stared at us due to us running away from the oncoming tidal wave of humans, gradually, making there way towards us.

We swerved into Macdonalds and sat down in the back. I realised, we were still holding hands....

"That was hilarious!" Zendayas face was bright throughout the hole event, it made all of her features stand out. Cute. "I know! What will we do next?"
"I think we should take it up a next level. You know like, we should.... Kiss?" Oh.... that was a surprise. Kiss? Maybe that's a bit extreme? Maybe she's being too forward? "It's fine, we don't have too. It may be a bit too much anyway." Her face drooped. Ouch. That hurt. "Ok. I'll do it." Just for you, I said in my head. Her face lifted, "Ok then, do you want anything to eat?"

We camped out on chicken nuggets and hamburgers. Even the way she eats is cute. Maybe this plan is a good thing. Maybe not. I don't know. We left McDonald's and walked along the street, trying to figure out the longest way back to the penthouses (avoiding the crowd.) We pull up google maps and follow the blue line to, after a million hours, we made it back home.

We travel up the elevator, to find.... Mail. "The hell? This isn't any mail, its fan mail!" I grab the nearest parcel and open it, tearing and all. "What does it say!"
"It says that word again, Tomdaya."
"OMG ITS A SHIP NAME!!! ITS WORKING!" I was confused alright "what's a ship name?" "Where have you been? The ice age?" That was cute alright. "It's a name fans make when two people get together, Tomdaya?" "THE PLAN IS WORKING THEN!!!"

We burst into fits of laughter. She then grabbed another package and so did I, we carried on doing this for around 2hrs until, "shit! It's nearly 10:00pm! I need to get going!" That confused me. "But, you have nowhere to go. Zendaya just stay here. Remember we are a 'couple." Her face lit up, and she ran into her bedroom.

"Tommmmm! Where is the bedsheets?"
"What do you mean? They should be in the bed!" I walked into the room to find her standing there with a bare bed, no sheets, no nothing. Oh no.....

"Well I guess you'll have to sleep.... With me." I can feel myself becoming hotter. "That's fine. I've slept with Trevor before." She said in a quiet voice. "I'm going to get changed." Zendaya walked into into my room. I waited five minutes until I walked in.

She was already in bed, asleep. I took my top off (😏) and put on my pyjama bottoms. As discreetly as possible I slipped into the covers and closed my eyes. Asleep.....

What was that? A felt a cold object touch my stomach. A hand maybe? Why is there a hand on me!? I sleep alone! Oh wait, Zendaya is sleeping with me, duhhhhh.

Wait who's hand is it then? Oh no, Zendays.... I turn over, carefully, feeling her soft skin brush against my chest. Her face is calm and peaceful. She moved, causing her to bash into me. Her eyes opened, "tom, are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm good."
"Cool." She moves in closer, almost kissing. This will be a long night........

Hi guys! I really like this part and I hope you do!!! Sorry this one is just Tom POV. I just felt like this storyline suited it better than Zendayas did. See ya for the next part! ❤️🌈

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