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Zendayas POV:
Shit. What have I done! Everything was going so well but now I'm staying round a strangers house! Well, he's not a stranger, but I have barely been able to talk to him.

Trevor's words still ring in my head. 'We. Are. Over!' There meaning still making me shake just thinking about them.

"Zendaya." Toms quiet voice interrupted my thoughts "I'll show you to your room." He stood up and waited for me. I couldn't stand, the thought of being homeless. Homeless! Was making my body turn to lead.

Finally, I stood up, I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, pressing me down. Eventually, I lost the battle. I fell to my knees and through tears I repeated the same words: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Then I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. Then everything went black.....

Toms POV:
She had fainted. In my house! You see, I'm not a trained medic, but I know what to do if someone fainted right in front of my eyes. And that's what exactly happened.

She was light. Lighter than expected, so it was easy carrying her into her designated bedroom. I lay her down, and made sure none of the clean, white, silk sheets were in range.

I couldn't leave her in the bedroom for long,  on her own, so I quickly grabbed a jug of water, and prayed. Splash! Did it work? I could see her eyes fluttering open. She retched. Luckily, I was prepared for it. I had already placed a bucket by her, and, because of my amazing reflexes, I caught it, the puke, gross.

1hr later.....

"Hi Tom." A quiet voice startled me from my drawing. "Oh! Hi, how are you?"
"Bad...." Oh yeah, I forgot what we had just been through. "Yeah, same here. I know this may seem irrelevant, but how are we gonna prove that it's not true?" Her face seemed confused, but then it grew into a smile. "I think we should get revenge." Her answer startled me, it must have shown on my face. "I mean, make it look like we are going out. And then we can break up a couple weeks later and that will mean they have nothing to write about." Jeez. I never knew she could be so cunning. But, I like it. "Ok, what's the plan?"

Zendayas POV:
I know it sounds cruel but they deserve it. For what they've done. Look at it this way, they made me loose my house, my boyfriend and most of my savings!

"So, first we need to go out there, together." In my head it was a good idea, I just needed to know if Tom thought so too. "Yes, I think that's perfect. When should we do it?"
"Today. Definitely. It gives us more time to plan out what we will do next."
"Ok, I think we should do it now, like right now. We can get ourselves ready, make ourselves look presentable, and then go outside."  His idea made perfect sense to me. But, one problem: "I have no nice clothes." I look Tom in the eye when I say this. "Oh don't worry, Trevor dropped all your stuff round when you were asleep." That was a relief, "ok then, let's do this."

30mins later.....

I could feel the butterfly's in my stomach growing, gradually. As we step into the lift and start the never ending journey down, I look at Tom. His small bunny face it poised and ready for action. He looked cute. Ding! We are here. "Come on Zendaya." Tom says as we walk towards the doors. My breath catches as my eyes catch a glimpse of the crowd. No not crowd, paparazzi. "You can do this." Toms voice reassures me. He clasps my hand: "Come on let's do this, together."

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