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Zendayas POV:
I stood there, baffled. Trevor. My ex. Hugging my boy-friend. Impossible. But, it was happening right in front of me, and you couldn't help smiling.

As Trevor pulled away, Tom stood there baffled. "See you Zendaya!" Trevor said, waving at me. Tom slowly walked through the door but turned and waved back as well.

As we shut the door, Tom fell onto the sofa and smiled as Alex giggled at him pulling a funny face. "Well, That was interesting." He snickered, and pulled her off me. My heart ached to see her be taken off me, but I knew this was Tom and he wasn't going to hurt her.

As I left Tom making Alex laugh, I walked into my room and grabbed my phone to find three missed calls from the flamingo dude who directed the movie, that we still didn't know the name of.

I rang him, and waited. He picked up. "Hello! How are you my little broccoli! How are you?!" I  sighed and and let him carry on speaking. "I called you to let you know you are both needed tomorrow 6 till 5 and the day after as well." My mouth dropped. That's nearly 12hrs! Well, I guess that's what actors gotta do. "That's fine um- ummm." I paused, not knowing his name. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"
"Oh! Darling, it's Flávio!" (Random, but you know 😅) of course it was. "Thanks!" I replied enthusiastically, trying to hide the worry inside my voice. Who was going to look after Alex? Trevor is probably not free, due to work. And Jacob won't be either. "Bye then tomato! See you tomoz!" Jeez, he needs to stop.

I hung up, and joined Tom back in the living room. "Flamingo guy called, he needs up tommorrrow 6 till 5." Tom looked at me and nearly dropped Alex, who he was throwing up and down, which caused me to gasp. "Also." I added on. "His name is Flávio." Tom still looked star struck, "who's going to look after Alex?"
" I don't know, but I might call my mom." You see my mum knows I have a boy- friend, and a child. But she's never met him. "No." Tom responded. "I think my mum should come and baby-sit. Since she is visiting for the premier." I thought about it for a moment and then responded with: "well then, they should both come and visit." He paused, but moved his head up and down. I texted my mom and he texted his. Them both replying at least 5mins apart from each other.

"Well that's settled then." I exclaimed feeling a massive weight being lifted off my shoulders. "Yeah, it is." Tom replied. I could see his relax. "Z. I'm going to meet you parents....."

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