Arrival pt 2

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Toms POV:
I pushed open the door as quickly as I could, adrenaline running through my veins. What had happened to her? As I walked in, i could smell the dampness throughout the room. I could see many tubes and and a bed which I knew she would be on. "Z?" I questioned, "sir your not supposed to be here." A nurses voice startled me as I realised there was multiple doctors and nurses staring at me as I was gazing around the room. "What has happened to her?"
I caught a glimpse of Z lying on the bed, as I walked towards her I realised she was asleep. "Don't worry sir she's just under anaesthetics," "why?" I inquired walking closer gazing at everything she was connected to, "she became a bit stressed and passed out, we are currently waiting for her to wake up to see if she wants a c-section."
"Oh." I replied, a sense of dread creeping up on me. "So will it be less painful?" (He's such a lil bean)
"Maybe. It depends."
"Depends on what?"
"Well, we have to wait for her approval but we do not know when she will wake up. It might be hours till she wakes and her water may brake when she is still un-conscious." I nodded, and sat down on one of the chairs in the corner. " ok, can I stay here?"
"Yes, but be prepared for a lot of blood."

2hrs later...
The wait, it took hours, she just lay there, face blank no movement. Until....

"Owwww, Tom, Tom!"
"Z?" I called "Z!" "Quick! She's awake!" Nurses and doctors streamed through the door and they all burst into action.  "Tom?" Zendaya called, panic filling her voice. "It will be ok Z, don't worry." As I got escorted out of the room, some nurse took me to the side and said: "everything is under control Mr Holland, looks like your baby will be a very healthy one." I nodded and sat down on one of the manky waiting room chairs.

Sitting next to me was a little girl around 8 Year's old, I smiled at her and she buried her face into her moms coat. Maybe I will be a good parent? See Tom there's nothing to worry about. Everything is fine.

"Mr Holland?" A voice behind me called. "Yes?" As I turned around, I started to stand, "Miss Zendaya is waiting for you, and your lovely, baby girl." I smiled, I couldn't control it. A girl! What would we call her?

Walking at a fast pace, I walked down the corridors to find a door wedged open, with cool air flowing in and out. "Tom!" Zendayas weak voice called out to me as I walked in. Her arms was a little bundle of blankets and underneath was a frail face of my daughter. "H-hello." I said picking her up gently, in my arms. As I rocked her, she fell asleep silently in my arms. As I handed it back to Z, I smiled at her. "We did it Tom. We did it." I kissed her on the cheek and on the baby's as well.

"Sir, you may already know this but Zendaya will have to stay in hospital tonight, which the baby so we can monitor them both." I nodded, knowing this would be coming. "Ok. Bye, Z. I'll see you tomorrow. Text me if you need me to visit." I kissed her on the head, and started to walk away. "Think Tom."
"About what?"
"Ok." I waved goodbye and left the hospital, as I climbed into the taxi, my phone started to ring, a Unknown number. Probably a fan. It always is. I ignored it, and went home.

I shouldn't have ignored that call...

Yo fam, we hit 2k! (Sorry that was cheesy 😂) hope you enjoyed it, the drama is real. See ya! ❤️

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