The Meeting

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Toms POV:
My mum was in town and so was Zendayas. It was perfect. Me and Z ran around the house frantically trying to tidy up the mess we made. "Tom?! Have you tidied Alex's room?!" Zendaya shouted from the hallway and I responded: "no. Why? It's not even messy!" Zendaya walked from the hallway and into Alex's room. "Really?!" She laughed. "Come and see for yourself!" I walked naïvely into her room and saw what she meant. Alex's toys were scattered everywhere, and I could see faint traces of dust on her cupboards.

You see, Alex had been quite unexpected so me and Z didn't really have time to prepare a bedroom as extravagant as first time parents would. This meant Alex had white washed walls with space grey furnishings giving a modern feel, not a baby one. "Jeez, we really need to sort this room out." Z said under her breath. I picked up the hoover from the kitchen and trundled into her room, she was sleeping silently in her cot, her face rested in a cute position. I couldn't help smiling.

I realised that if I hoovered it would wake her up, so I grabbed the polish and started to scrub away at the drawers. "Da-da." A faint noise came from Alex's cot. I walked over and picked her up, noticing she was restless. " Hey. How are ya?" I whispered softly, trying not to disturb her. She giggled as I pulled a funny face. "Da-da." She repeated. "What?!" I said in a raised tone. Realising what she just said. "Da-da."
"OMG! Z! ALEX SAID HER FIRST WORD!!!" Z wandered in calmly and took Alex off me. I was still freaking out I didn't realise she had left the room. I ran into the lounge and kissed Z on the cheek. "Our baby girl said her first word!" I whispered into her ear. "What word did she say." I smiled evilly. "Dada." I giggled like a little child, still buzzing from the adrenaline of hearing her speak. "Oh." She responded. I thought she was mad with me. "That's great baby!" She wrapped her arms around me and we hugged for a few seconds before returning to cleaning.

2hrs later.....

Zendaya s POV:
A loud chorus of knocking on the door startled me from my trance of cleaning. "Tom! There here!" I was nervous for him. My mom is one of the nicest people I ever known. But, what if she doesn't approve of him? She will Z. Don't worry.

I opened the door and saw a woman with strawberry blonde hair standing talking to my mum. "Heyyy!!!" My mum called pressing me into there arms. "And you must be the in-famous Zendaya." Toms mum stood there like a proud parent watcher there child go to school for the first time. "I'm sorry." I replied " I don't know your name."
"Oh, I'm Nicola. Nicola Frost." I smiled and called Tom. He trundled in carrying Alex, her face confused as she had never seen these people before. "Mum!" His face lit up as he hugged her. He looked to my mum and back at me. "Hi. I'm Tom."
"And, I'm Claire."  She smiled and pulled him, like me with Nicola, into a big hug. They both gasped. They had seen Alex.

Her, face was adorable. She was snuggled into Toms chest and smiled as Nicola stated to play peek-a-boo with her. A lot of tears were shed that day.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this part! ❤️🌈

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